Lord make me to know my end that I may apply wisdom to the usage - TopicsExpress


Lord make me to know my end that I may apply wisdom to the usage of my Days. For every Cause there is an Effect, Every Action A Reaction. My God My God why? Why?, As I stood side by side with law enforcement officers from RBDF and RBPF headed by SACOP, Mr E. Seymour in the theater of this Tragic event of the day...A Thousand questions flashed through my mind...my spirit began to groan so loud that the sounds began to come out of my body....Why Lord Why? some one please tell me Why? As we all come to grips with the tragedy of yesterday’s Freeport bound fatal plane clash taking the lives of Dr. Myles & Ruth Munroe and seven other associates of Bahamas Faith Ministries, our souls grieve with the families of those who were onboard that flight. The depth of this lost is heart wrenching to all of us on a personal, familial, social, national and spiritual level. Let us observe moments of silence in respect for those we grieve. As we offer our condolences, lets also pray for God’s grace and strength for the following families: The Munroe Family The Pinder Family The Thurston Family The Parks Family The Bahamas Faith Ministries Family There were others onboard whose names we do not know at this time. Please pray for their families as well. We grieve in hope of the resurrection. For we are confident that we will see our loved ones and friends again, on the other side of this eternal divide. Isaiah 57:2 (New International Version) 2 Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. May they rest in peace.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:23:43 +0000

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