Lorie Meacham Gun Owners of America Correction to Saturday - TopicsExpress


Lorie Meacham Gun Owners of America Correction to Saturday Alert and List of the Pro-Gun Members Who Voted to Protect the Second Amendment Last week, disciples of anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg staged an ambush in the House of Representatives. Due to an error in our automated messaging system, we sent out incorrect information concerning who voted in the pro-gun or anti-gun positions. We apologize for the error and we have contacted all Congressional offices to let them know about this issue. If youve already sent a message, thank you, no further action is necessary as the problem has been fixed. If you have yet to take action, please CLICK HERE to contact your Representative. The vote was on a Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Peter King (R-NY) amendment to H.R. 4660, the Commerce-Justice-Science funding bill. Both Representatives hold an “F” rating with Gun Owners of America. Their amendment would add an additional $19.5 million to pay states to turn in more names to the federal gun-ban (NICS) list. Already, more than 175,000 law-abiding veterans have lost their Second Amendment rights this way. And, in states like New York, this money will pay to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, merely because they consult a psychiatrist and are prescribed a therapeutic drug. Below are the U.S. House Members who voted NO on the Thompson-King amendment. A NO vote is the pro-gun position. Aderholt (AL-4) Amash (MI-3) Bachmann (MN-6) Barr (KY-6) Barrow (GA-12) Barton (TX-6) Bentivolio (MI-11) Bilirakis (FL-12) Bishop (UT-1) Black (TN-6) Blackburn (TN-7) Boustany (LA-3) Brady (TX-8) Bridenstine (OK-1) Brooks (AL-5) Broun (GA-10) Burgess (TX-26) Byrne (AL-1) Calvert (CA-42) Carter (TX-31) Cassidy (LA-6) Chabot (OH-1) Coble (NC-6) Cole (OK-4) Collins (GA-9) Collins (NY-27) Conaway (TX-11) Cook (CA-8) Cotton (AR-4) Crawford (AR-1) Culberson (TX-7) Daines (MT-al) DeSantis (FL-6) DesJarlais (TN-4) Duncan (SC-3) Duncan (TN-2) Ellmers (NC-2) Farenthold (TX-27) Fincher (TN-8) Fleischmann (TN-3) Fleming (LA-4) Flores (TX-17) Forbes (VA-4) Foxx (NC-5) Franks (AZ-8) Gardner (CO-4) Garrett (NJ-5) Gingrey (GA-11) Gohmert (TX-1) Gosar (AZ-4) Granger (TX-12) Graves (GA-14) Graves (MO-6) Griffin (AR-2) Griffith (VA-9) Guthrie (KY-2) Hall (TX-4) Harper (MS-3) Harris (MD-1) Hensarling (TX-5) Holding (NC-13) Hudson (NC-8) Huelskamp (KS-1) Huizenga (MI-2) Hultgren (IL-14) Hunter (CA-50) Jenkins (KS-2) Johnson (OH-6) Johnson, Sam (TX-3) Jordan (OH-4) King (IA-4) Kingston (GA-1) Kline (MN-2) Labrador (ID-1) LaMalfa (CA-1) Lamborn (CO-5) Latta (OH-5) Long (MO-7) Lucas (OK-3) Lummis (WY-al) Marchant (TX-24) Massie (KY-4) McAllister (LA-5) McCarthy (CA-23) McCaul (TX-10) McClintock (CA-4) McHenry (NC-10) Meadows (NC-11) Messer (IN-6) Mica (FL-7) Miller (FL-1)) Miller (MI-10) Mullin (OK-2) Neugebauer (TX-19) Nugent (FL-11) Nunes (CA-22) Nunnelee (MS-1) Olson (TX-22) Pearce (NM-2) Perry (PA-4) Peterson (MN-7) Petri (WI-6) Pittenger (NC-9) Poe (TX-2) Pompeo (KS-4) Posey (FL-8) Price (GA-6) Rahall (WV-3) Roby (AL-2) Roe (TN-1) Rogers (AL-3) Rohrabacher (CA-48) Rokita (IN-4) Rooney (FL-17) Salmon (AZ-5) Sanford (SC-1) Scalise (LA-1) Schweikert (AZ-6) Scott, Austin (GA-8) Sessions (TX-32) Shimkus (IL-15) Simpson (ID-2) Smith (MO-8) Smith (NE-3) Smith (TX-21) Southerland (FL-2) Stewart (UT-2) Stockman (TX-36) Stutzman (IN-3) Terry (NE-2) Thornberry (TX-13) Tipton (CO-3) Walberg (MI-7) Walorski (IN-2) Weber (TX-14) Webster (FL-10) Wenstrup (OH-2) Westmoreland (GA-3) Williams (TX-25) Wilson (SC-2) Wittman (VA-1) Womack (AR-3) Yoder (KS-3) Yoho (FL-3) Young (AK-al)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 03:29:51 +0000

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