Lorry G Halfkenny Turning to God and desiring His grace is itself - TopicsExpress


Lorry G Halfkenny Turning to God and desiring His grace is itself grace.........................Devotee: Doubts keep arising. That is why I ask how it is to be done.......Bhagavan: A doubt arises and it is cleared. Another arises and that is cleared, only to make way for another, and so it goes on. So there is no possibility of clearing away all doubts. Find out instead to whom the doubts come. Go to their source and stay there. Then they cease to arise. That is how doubts are to cleared away.......D.: Only grace can help me do it.......B.: Grace is not something outside you. In fact your very desire for grace is due to grace that is already working in you.......D.: Isnt success dependent on the grace of the Guru?......B.: Yes, but isnt your practice itself due to such grace? Its fruits spring from it automatically. There is a stanza in Kaivalya which runs: O Guru, you have always been with me, watching over me, one incarnation after another, and have shaped my course until I was Liberated. The Self(GOD)manifests externally as the Guru when occasion demands; otherwise He always remains within, doing what is required.......V.: In actual practice, I find I cannot succeed in my efforts unless Bhagavans grace descends on me.......B.: The Gurus Grace is always there. You imagine it to be something somewhere high up in the sky that has to descend, but really it is inside you, in your heart, and the moment you effect the subsidence or merging of the mind into its Source, by WHATEVER METHOD, the Grace rushes forth, spouting as from a spring within you.........................The Teachings of RAMANA MAHARSHI [In HIS own words] pg.76 Edited by ARTHUR OSBORNE 1987 edition Like
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:18:31 +0000

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