Losing the War Gingrich Productions August 7, 2013 Newt - TopicsExpress


Losing the War Gingrich Productions August 7, 2013 Newt Gingrich To receive Newt’s weekly newsletter, click here. In the last few months we have had at least six events that prove the American strategy in the Middle East is not working. The evidence is so clear that it demands a serious national conversation about our national security strategy and the system which implements it. Five of these events were prison breaks. The other was the closing of nineteen American embassies which the government had to temporarily close out of fear and ignorance. If you connect the dots of these stories you will understand that this is what losing looks like. Twelve years after the 9/11 attacks, the American strategies of Bush and Obama are losing. Our enemies in the Middle East (and increasingly around the world as they spread by Internet and migration) are winning. The forces of law-abiding civilization are losing. The key question is whether we will have the courage as a people to insist on a serious investigation of this failure and to seek to understand the requirements of a strategy of success. Countries that are winning do not have to close their embassies in nineteen countries. This is a statement of impotence and incompetence on a grand scale, an admission that the United States cannot even defend its own embassies (and this is after decades of turning our embassies into fortresses isolated from local communities). These were not nineteen trivial countries. As Jack Copeland notes, “Approximately 25 million barrels of crude oil are produced in these thirteen countries. To put this is in perspective the total consumption was at 79 million barrels per day worldwide.” So the United States has demonstrated that it has to act out of timidity and weakness in countries which produce one third of the world’s oil. This is after thousands of Americans killed, many thousands of Americans wounded, and trillions spent in the Middle East. Twelve years of the wrong strategies on a bipartisan basis have led to this failure.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 03:10:04 +0000

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