Losses and gainz from the nutrition challenge. Midway point - TopicsExpress


Losses and gainz from the nutrition challenge. Midway point update: Since Ive been following a Paleoish nutrition plan closely over the last year, I didnt expect much of a weight loss. My main goal of this challenge was to improve tone and lose inches. Overall, Im down 2 lbs and 2.75 inches. What I noticed more during this challenge are things outside of body composition. As much as I thought I was following a good nutrition plan prior to starting this challenge, I quickly learned that first week just how many treats I had let creep back into my daily life. Talk about withdrawls! The challenge has helped get me back on track with limiting treats to just the weekly 2 hour window. Its also been good in regards to the kids. They see us making good nutritional choices and it helps them do the same. Lead by example, right? Last, but not least, Im making a conscious effort to focus on performance and being proud of what my body can accomplish instead of obsessing on the things Id like to change about it. It definitely helps when people you interact with outside of CFO notice the changes, inquire what youve been doing and are shocked when you share your results. I think the best response was from a male co-worker, Holy sh*t! I cant even squat that much!--Krista Savage
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:09:35 +0000

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