Lost Avalon is almost ready for Beta Readers!! In the - TopicsExpress


Lost Avalon is almost ready for Beta Readers!! In the meantime...this is where Im at with edits ;-) I bypassed the living room all together and headed up the stairs to my old room. My baby sister, Addison, had had it last. She and Alex had been the final of us five to graduate high school just this past spring. It didn’t take much encouraging to get them to enroll for summer classes at college just to get them out of this house. All in all, that had been the best part about my job as the band’s manager. I’d been able to send all four of my brothers and sisters to college and take care of their living expenses while they attended school. Which in turn had eased the guilt over leaving them behind to hit the road with Blaise and the others when really I knew my family had still needed me. Two seconds after I flipped the lights on I had to flip the switch again. Addison had defiled my walls with One Direction posters. The brief visual had already seared itself into my brain indefinitely, there would be no need for seeing much of anything in that room after. I stumbled into the bed and plopped myself onto the mattress. I was too exhausted to even think, except maybe about how disappointing it was that my baby sister had strayed so far in her taste in music and how clearly my leaving had affected her more deeply than I had ever imagined. The last thing I remembered thinking was how she’d be getting a music education care package express mailed to her the next day. By the time I woke up, the sun was already spilling into the bedroom unhindered by any curtains or blinds which were probably being left open on a permanent basis now that the room had been essentially abandoned. And who wouldn’t run screaming from this hell where Harry Styles was the first thing you saw upon opening your eyes. I dug around in my purse blindly until I located my phone. Then I snapped a picture of boy wonder, as in ‘I wonder what is happening with that hair and can someone get the kid a pair of scissors’, and sent it to Addison, captioned, “WTF???” I guess things could have been worse. The Biebs could have been lurking at me from some corner of the room, watching me while I slept. The thought alone made me shake involuntarily. ~ LOST AVALON (Coming Soon)
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:28:51 +0000

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