Lots of people are scared of the New World Order thing. On one - TopicsExpress


Lots of people are scared of the New World Order thing. On one hand, you should be scared of anyone who wants to rule you, which is what government always is. However, attempting a one world government would be a remarkably stupid thing for the control freaks to try, as it would ruin the whole pack-mentality/nationalism thing that tyrants exploit so well right now. Patriotism is a great tool for duping people into feeling PRIDE about being obedient livestock of a certain ruling class (remember July 4th?), which doesnt work if the whole damn planet is one political jurisdiction. Furthermore, fear-mongering is another great tool for duping people into tolerating being treated like slaves, and making people scared of foreign enemies is a big one. (If you doubt this, go visit any U.S. airport). This tactic, and war-mongering in general, dont really work if there arent competing human livestock farms (countries) to be at war with each other. Plus, without the you can always leave excuse for tyranny, people are more likely to actually resist, as there would be nowhere to escape the supposed jurisdiction of a one-world government (unless you have a rocket ship). So no, I dont find the idea of a world government any more scary than what we have now. I think it would actually collapse the cult of statism faster. So bring it on!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:08:25 +0000

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