Lots of people say that they are committed to making a difference - TopicsExpress


Lots of people say that they are committed to making a difference in the world. Thats an admirable communication.Many folks take lots of courses,and read lots of books,and have lots of insights.Some of us love our insights and epiphanies- and we share them happily. For me,where the struggle is ,is in overcoming the messages I inherited from the people who raised me- and the only way to do that is let OTHERS in.I can sit ,and be clear that the messages of narcissism,and passive aggression were based on truth,and feel bad,sad,unloved,powerless,deeply flawed,and resigned. OR- I can recognize that one of the powerful actions I can take in creating a new reality- is not only to YES somebody,to make them feel good,but to be really willing to embrace that how I see myself is just WRONG and a LIE- and to move in a new,uncomfortable direction,that creates a new normal for me- and could inspire others to create their own new reality. The willingness to have compassion for where Ive been is one of the toughest areas I have ever dealt with- and Im sharing this with you,because I know its a challenge for many of you. The bottom line- Do something different- and dont do it alone. @CoachmeDave
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:40:03 +0000

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