Lou and Chevy have a chat: Chevy: Hey, Lou? Lou: Yes, - TopicsExpress


Lou and Chevy have a chat: Chevy: Hey, Lou? Lou: Yes, Chevy? Chevy: Ive been hearing about this guy called Santa Claws. Who is that? Lou: *paw to forehead* I knew youd ask sooner or later, Chevy. Come on over here, park your furry butt down next to me and Ill explain. Look cute, so that Mommy doesnt think youre plotting to bite my tail again. Chevy: But Lou, I *like* to bite your tail.. Lou: Dude! Enough with my tail already. Its bad enough Mommy had to get us both out of the closet the other day and caught you with my tail in your mouf. Chevy: But if you wouldnt swish it around... Lou: Chevy, dammit! We do NOT talk about tails, swishing, and Mommy catching us in the closet, in the same conversation...now sit your furry butt down and listen. Chevy: *sits down* Lou: OK, Chevy, it goes like this: Twas the night before Catmas.. Chevy: Whats Catmas? Lou: Catmas is when Mommy and Santa Claws bring us toys and nip. and lots of paper to jump in. Chevy: Whats nip? Lou: Something youre too little to enjoy. Its the green stuff that Mommy sprinkles on the bottom of the boxes she brings back from the liquor store. Now..Twas the night before Catmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring..not even that damn bed mouse. The socks full of presents were hung up with care, in hopes that Santa Claws soon would be there. The kitties had assumed the loaf of bread position, all snug in their beds, While hopes of catnip and fat slow mice danced in their heads. When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, that Mommy sprang swearing from the bed to see what was the matter. Chevy: *eyes like saucers* Away to the window she and I flew--wicked fast and opened the curtains--because it was cold--just a crack. What to our wondering eyes should appear, but a sled full of toys, pulled by eight tiny reindeer! When the little old driver stopped for a breath and a pause, I knew right then and there, it had to be Santa Claws! As I drew in my head from the curtains and was turning around, I swear I heard those hooves pound their hooves into the ground, and through the window I saw Santa Claws come in, with a bound! He was dressed in fake fur, from his head to his toes..and what-all he had in his pack..well, Bast herself only knows. I purred when I saw him, in spite of myself, for I knew he came with pawsents---all handmade by his elves! He spoke not a word, and went straight to his werk, laying down pawsents of nip and toys in the stockings, before turning with a jerk and heading out by the same window in which he arrived he returned to his sled, and drove off in the night and the last thing I heard, before he drove off out of sight, was Happy Catmas to all, and to all a good night! Chevy: Will I see Santa Claws this year, Lou? Lou: Im certain of it. Now lets go bug Mommy for a snack. Lou and Chevy: *purr*
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 10:31:44 +0000

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