Lou has slept in the Kitchen for over a year and yesterday I got - TopicsExpress


Lou has slept in the Kitchen for over a year and yesterday I got the brainy idea in my head to move his crate into the living room where he would be more comfortable right? so I move this huge heavy upside down table thingy Mark bought to stretch his back into the garage but first I have to straighten up the garage so I can safely store it.. then I move the furniture in the living room around to make room but first I notice the baseboards need cleaning so i do that then I decide I may as well do all of the dusting and sweep the walls for the winter cob webs Before I vaccume a second time because of the base board mess I had made... then I take down his crate to move it and notice how yucky the kitchen base boards are so I clean them good and vaccume all of my wood floors ,but have to take up ALL the rugs first so I start tossing them into the washing machine right away because Rocko needs them to navigate the slippery wood floors then I notice the dryers full so I fold & put the clothes away and pick up all the dirty laundry on my way back to the kitchen because I cant make the trip with this empty basket right ? ... I finally make it back to Lous crate and decide i may as well disinfect it and put his fresh new bed I bought him in it ( wont he be excited?) Then I get his water bucket and dish washed & refilled and his master suite is ready for his royal hiness ... Lou always runs directly to his crate at treat time meal time and bed time ... guess what .... Lou HATES HIS NEW LOCATION & HIS NEW BED !!! he insists on being in the Kitchen so I put his old ratty bed in a much smaller crate and Bam Lous in bed waiting for his ny night treat just wagging his tail like he won the fight of his life... needless to say my brain storm was only good for one thing... the house is clean :) I love my dog... I love ALL my dogs... Tomorrow maybe I can talk Shell Dog into loving the new bed and get her to use this master piece I created because I sure as heck am not moving everything back the way it was no way no how.. who knows what kind of dirt Ill find to spend all day cleaning an getting side tracked with NO WAY
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:32:51 +0000

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