Louise Hay - Drive with Joy Dear Ones, Many years ago, I - TopicsExpress


Louise Hay - Drive with Joy Dear Ones, Many years ago, I created a cassette tape called “Safe Driving.” I recorded several affirmations to help people who were stressed to drive alertly. Now that it’s summertime and more people are on the road, I’d like to review this topic with you. It is amazing how many people choose to be angry and upset when they drive. Then they wonder why there are so many poor drivers around them. I learned a long time ago not to get upset because someone else does not know how to drive. That is their problem, not mine. The rules of the road are the same as the rules of life. What we give out in words or thoughts are exactly what will return to us. If we believe that the world is full of lousy drivers, then that is exactly what we will experience. If we want to have a pleasant driving experience, then it is up to us to create it. The moment I enter my car, I bless the car with love and affirm that I will have a safe, happy trip, surrounded by good drivers. I add a little gratitude by appreciating that I have a great car to drive, that I have the ability to be a good driver, that someone has built this great road for me to drive on, and that I will get to my destination at the perfect time. Try this the next time you go anywhere and see what a difference it makes. Affirm: Everyone around me is a good driver and we all get there at the perfect time. Drive with joy, Louises Signature The Power is Within You 10 Affirmations to Help You Drive with Joy I am surrounded by good drivers. I send love into all the cars around me. My ride is easy and effortless. My drive goes smoothly, and more quickly than I expect. I feel comfortable in the car. I know this will be a beautiful drive to the office [or to school, the store, or the like]. I bless my car with love. I send love to every person on the road. I will get to my destination at the perfect time. I am safe. Life loves me
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:30:42 +0000

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