Louisiana The Senate seat in Louisiana could end up being the most - TopicsExpress


Louisiana The Senate seat in Louisiana could end up being the most exciting race of all. Unlike most states, Louisiana does not have a primary system where candidates from each party are chosen and then meet in a general election. Instead, one single multiparty primary is held on election day with all candidates on one ballot. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, a runoff election will be held in December. So, if the GOP nets 5 seats on election day with Louisiana undecided for another month, it could turn into one hectic election. As for the candidates, Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu has never been able to crack 52% in her three election. With the myth of her conservatism put to rest by Obamacare, she can be in a lot of trouble. Her best hope is that voters have short memories. Not having President Obama on the ballot could hurt her even more, as many voters who would have shown up for Obama might not come out to vote just for her.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 02:20:29 +0000

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