Louisiana fielded it’s largest contingent of candidates ever for - TopicsExpress


Louisiana fielded it’s largest contingent of candidates ever for a single election date with 19 candidates qualifying(13 local and 6 Federal). In the November 4th, 2014 elections Louisiana elected more Libertarians to office than any other state in the country.(Tied with Arkansas at 3, Region 7 representing!). Louisiana garnered it’s first ever run-off by Chad Perry of Vinton, La running for Calcasieu Parish Justice of the Peace,Ward 7, giving Louisiana the opportunity to become the outright leading state for most elected Libertarians to office in the November election.(not including fusion candidates). Louisiana scored its first ever head to head victory for a Libertarian against an opponent when William Mcbride defeated Republican Laura Budden to win the district 3 seat for Washington, La City Council. Louisiana’s Randall Lord garnered the largest vote percentage in the whole country by a Libertarian running for Federal Office with 26.6% of the vote.(Someone has suggested to me that this may be the largest percentage ever). Louisiana has grown from 4600 official registered Libertarians at the beginning of 2012 to 10,723 registered Libertarians(with more likely in the pipeline due to the registration freeze before an election and the 25 completed registration forms waiting in my car to be dropped off.) We have some great upcoming outreach opportunities on so focus issues that should drive our registration even faster. Louisiana has formed more local affiliates in the last 2 years than any other state. From March 2013 to present Louisiana has formed 17 Parish Executive Committees with 2 more scheduled to come online in about a month. Thats 26.6% of the state already organized at the local affiliate level with right under 30% set to be organized by January 2015. I think that might be the largest percentage of any state in the country organized at the local level. We have begun to also get campus affiliates(College Libertarians) up and running and we are making great gains in registration on campus. Louisiana sent the 9th largest delegation to the National Convention in 2014(Tied with 3 or 4 other states). We had someone in all 12 of our delegate seats. Yes, lots of other states candidates were busy campaigning. Randall Lord, remember him? The largest percentage vote getter for a Federal candidate? He was part of our delegation along with Rufus Craig, another of our Federal Candidates. The Libertarian Party of Louisiana has one of the most successful donor bases having brought in over $27,000 and on pace to bring in over $30,000 for the year and we have This does not include money raised by our local affiliates. Louisiana is 1 of about 7 states that have a paid staffer, with ours being a full time Executive Director. This has been our key to success. Our Executive Director, Wendy Adams has been invaluable to our growth. Most of us in our state party would not be here were it not for her ceaseless efforts. She says she works 70 hours a week, but I know that to be untrue, it’s more like 90 hours. We were very possibly the first state to start accepting Bitcoin Donations in early 2014. You Bitcoiners reading this please feel free to donate. We won’t be offended, not in the least. Growth always brings challenges as more people with different ideas jockey for position, but that’s ok, it’s part of the process. People are going to disagree. Learning how to cope with it and still move forward is a sign of leadership. We have had our interpersonal struggles in Louisiana, probably not the most in the country, but probably more than average. It’s a function of growth, those growing pains. In spite of all of these struggles we have moved forward and moved forward well. Some people see the glass as half empty, some see it as half full. I see that my glass is more than half empty and it’s leaking but I am plugging the holes and refilling the glass. It’s ok to have struggles, it builds character, it prepares us for the future fights ahead. The only thing that isn’t ok is to quit. If your strategy didn’t work, reevaluate realistically. Map out a plan, recognize your glass won’t become full overnight and without work. Look to those that had more success than you and find those elements that work with your own unique situation. Now I am sure, Mr Wagner will argue Oregon is top, I am sure Mr. Pojunis will argue Nevada, others will argue their state but I have to honestly say that as I look at things, Louisiana was the most successful affiliate in the country in 2014. I may have made some slight errors in this email, I am sure some Libertarian somewhere will find it and point it out, cause that’s what Libertarians(some) do.(others do work). #someworksomedont (inside state joke). Despite any nitpicky detail error I may have made, I firmly believe that this email is largely accurate. It’s with that mind that I say, I am thankful for Louisiana being the most successful Libertarian affiliate in the Country in 2014. Wishing you a day to be thankful for, Daniel Hayes LNC Region 7 Representative Alternate P.S. Thanks to all those that have contributed to our success! I figure while I have people’s attention and it doesn’t hurt t ask. Bitcoin aficionados Those that like a good return on investment. Help us do more. Money is always the limiting factor for future growth. Feel free to send us a donation. Even 5 bucks helps. Know someone with deep pockets looking for a good place to spend some money? Here’s the link to become a Louisiana donor by Check,Bitcoin, Credit card, etc. We would be most thankful! lplouisiana.org/donate lplouisiana.org/donate
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 14:55:47 +0000

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