Love Chronicles.... Prof Edd Tip when choosing a - TopicsExpress


Love Chronicles.... Prof Edd Tip when choosing a partner. The Problem most of us have is that we want to impress all the time everytime,as they say impressions matter. In our endevour to attract and keep our partners intrested in us we end up going the extra mile. Extra make up. Extra spending. Extra pampering. Extra boasting. It now becomes a job and a half just to keep a relationship because there is a side you always want to bring out whilst neglecting the real normal you. I remember i had friend of mine who always wore make up.For as long as i had known her never had i seen her without make up until one day she fell sick and i was called to come and offer prayer.I got into the room she was in and the mother called out her name to tell her i had come to offer prayer.She lifted her face from the blankets she lay in and i almost had a heart attack.It was as if i was looking at someone totally different.When she spoke i heard my friend but when i looked at her make up-less face i saw a stranger.All this while she had been hiding who she trully is behind layers of make up just to impress people around her. So it is with relationships,Be open and honest with one another so that they will not be surprises in the future.If a person trully loves you they will love you irregardless of what you really look like, How much is in your wallet, What i can and cant do for you and so on. My daughter my son have the guts to tell your partner this without fear, Im selfish, impatient and a little insecure.I do not look like this when i wake up,Im not always with a fat wallet, I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure do not deserve me at my best. A person who really loves you, will learn to love all of you for who you are not what you are. If you hide your son or your daughter from them imagine what will happen when they find out? If they always had to see you all glammed up and looking wow,imagine the day they will wake up to see your acne and uneven skin tone? Be real and Original.Make up is not there to cover up but to amplify the beauty you already have. If you feel the need to always go the extra mile just to impress then you are living a lie,thats a borrowed fairytale. You know you are in love when you cannot fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. Pause a thought on that. #Shalom. -
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:20:04 +0000

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