Love Connections and Gatherings in the Holy Spirit By Apostle - TopicsExpress


Love Connections and Gatherings in the Holy Spirit By Apostle Ron McGatlin A great hunger is developing in the hearts and lives of many people who seek to follow Christ Jesus into the fullness of His kingdom. Some who have walked with the Lord for decades are finding themselves hungrier than ever for the experience of pure holy love connections with spiritual brothers and sisters. God’s love that has built up in the reservoir of our hearts waits to be poured out in blessed union and connection of true fellowship with others who are also filled with His love. It is the precious life and love of Christ Jesus abiding in His people by the Holy Spirit that have filled us to overflowing.His perfect love is casting out all fear of our being disappointed again as we may have been in the past. We may have in the past drawn close to others only to be betrayed and used by an insincere shallow kind of pseudo love. There is no fear in God’s love. No fear of being turned away because of someone’s religious beliefs. There is perfect unity of love in the presence of God. Supernatural works and gifts of the Holy Ghost flow in our lives when we connect with others filled with His love. It is not that we desire fellowship with others because our intimate love relationship with our Lord is lacking or not enough for us. It is that the more love he pours into us, the more desire we have for real love connections with brothers and sisters. It is not a need for more love but rather a heartfelt desire to pour out to others – to give away the abundance of His life in us. It is more than just a desire or need to fill the empty dry wells in the lives of those yet searching; it is also a God-given desire to be closely connected joint-to-joint to give and receive fulfilling life and purpose in one another. Holy Spirit Connections The Holy Spirit is drawing people together in groups and in locations. First God is bringing us into connection in small groups of people in our local areas. We are not speaking here about being gathered in traditional church system groups or around someone’s personality or gifting. God is drawing people together by His supernatural love within the people.In these groups, the built-up reservoir of love is shared openly in actions of serving one another and in seasons of time together in the presence of God. People will be drawn from the neighborhood or from across the nation or even from across the oceans to be connected in the pure holy love friendships of God’s family design. The desire for true fellowship and pure love connections in the presence of God will bring us together. Secondly, God is bringing the groups together from larger geographic regions for occasional gatherings with other groups. Cities of refuge or places of gathering are developing without a lot of man’s planning. No man needs to look at a map and pinpoint the spots to become gathering places. God is sovereignly putting the desire in the hearts of the small groups of people to occasionally come to a city or place of God’s choosing to connect with other groups. This is mostly being done without a lot of general oversight. A lot of spiritual reality is happening that is totally under the radar of the secular and religious world. The Holy Spirit’s supernatural communication network is like the natural internet. If our mind is renewed to the mind of Christ, it can be likened to God’s spiritual software in the computer of our natural brain. With our renewed minds by the Holy Spirit, we can connect into the spiritual internet of the universal supernatural mind of Christ. People across the world can instantly receive our Lord’s instruction, empowerment, encouragement, and specific directions. Love can be imparted into us for someone or some group of people in our local area or for a people in a certain geographic location or for a person or group of people hundreds of miles away. Love connections are made as we abide in Christ and He abides in us by the Holy Spirit. Love in the Holy Spirit both Gathers and Divides Religious spirits are effective at blinding people to the truth of what God is doing and interpreting it as something else other than the works of God. Those who continue to resist the fullness of the works of the Holy Spirit will not tap into the stream of pure holy love that is flowing by the Spirit and drawing the people to connect in local groups or to the occasional regional cities of refuge type gatherings. Because this is a sovereign work of God by His indwelling Holy Spirit, those who resist the leading of the Holy Spirit in favor of their natural human understanding will not connect into the supernatural “internet” of the universal mind of Christ. Therefore, they will not be able to experience the drawing to connect in the places of God’s desire. By the leadership of their natural minds they may be led to connect elsewhere. We must be joined into the proper connections to give and receive from the rest of the body and to accomplish our assigned function. Most people without the real leadership of the Holy Ghost will despise the things that are going on by the Spirit and will stay far away from them. Pure holy love is both a gathering and a dividing force at the same time. If those not drawn by the Spirit are exposed to the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit, they often tend to see them as excessive emotionalism and disorderly or even demonic. At best some might see the real works of the Holy Spirit as mixtures of flesh with the things of God. The pure love that is being expressed may appear to them as flesh-generated and misguided. Or it may appear to them as false loyalty to a group or a person. It may also be seen by them as hypocrisy as they seek to find fault with the people. Certainly, in the passing church system age, there have indeed been a lot of abuses, counterfeits, and mixtures. However, in the kingdom reality that has already begun, nothing that defiles can enter (Rev 21:27). Yes, this thing is really that significant. We are indeed living in the early days of New Jerusalem being formed on earth and Mystery Babylon being destroyed. Significant and massive changes are before us. Life as we have known it is in the process of passing away. Deep darkness is covering the people of the world and great brightness is arising on the people of God. The great harvest of the earth is ripening before our eyes. There have been many “day of the Lord” experiences among nations in history. Never since the days of Noah has there been a worldwide “day of the Lord” like the one we are entering. The Religious Kingdom of Darkness Rejecting the further works of the Holy Spirit can cause greater deception. Without the greater works of the Holy Spirit, deceived people will develop deceiving networks by natural and supernatural means. The internet, especially social media, can provide natural connections of light or of darkness. Spirits of darkness will supply supernatural connections between people for false information and direction to further propagate deception. Placating, patronizing, and false love will gather natural-minded people through appealing to their natural needs and desires. Flattery and tolerance for blatant sin are tools used to gather natural-minded people who are not truly being led of the Holy Spirit. Strong delusions are now being propagated that take a measure of truth and mix it into a measure of cunningly devised lies to make a tasty mixture that is deceiving many people, including Christians. Some that have been well respected and carried a portion of the kingdom reality are being deceived by the cunning devices of good sounding teachings with a measure of truth but with a hidden end of destruction. The spirit of deception that becomes like software programs of their minds causes them to throw out much of the truth that once enlightened their minds. They are drawn to other people and other groups that believe they have arrived at a much higher place in which there is great tolerance for evil and even a fondness for darkness and those walking in it. They may become defenders of the evil forces at work in the world and contend with those who are of the true kingdom reality. We need to understand that this type deception is like a deadly disease that through exposure gains a foothold in the life and feeds upon the lack of purity in the life of the person. Often Christians who have never fully come to the place of becoming living sacrifices have allowed the mold of the fallen world to continue to affect their souls.Often they, or someone very close to them, have continued in some form of fleshly pleasure or addictions. This can lead to accepting a powerful deception that causes them believe they are just fine even with their continuing sinful bondage. They no longer feel a need to be further changed. All responsibility for the management of their free will is dumped or given over to a false belief that they have no part in becoming pure and holy. There is a great release and a false sense of freedom in their souls as they are no longer bothered by their ungodly behavior and addictions. They also can now closely embrace that person or persons who are bound in sinful pleasure and addictions without concern or remorse. So it seems to them like a wonderful higher truth of God. They feel no conviction from the Holy Spirit and find no need to repent or turn from their sinful habit or bondage. Deceived people do not know they are deceived but believe those who do not agree with them are deceived or not yet enlightened. The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength In Holy Spirit-led gatherings with kingdom-minded people filled with the pure love of God, there is an abundant atmosphere of His righteousness, peace, and exciting joy. Smiles and laughter are not uncommon in the fresh clean presence of God. Even in traumatic times of lack in the natural world, there can be the strength of His joy in the hearts of those in union with Christ Jesus and with one another by the Holy Spirit. There is great encouragement and confirmation in gathering with others who truly are living sacrifices to our Lord and who are not in the mold of the fallen world but are in the hands of the Spirit of God shaping us within and without into the living image of Christ Jesus. Literally, the life of Christ Jesus is manifesting in His people by the Holy Ghost of Christ in the Father, and the Father in Him, and thereby the life of God is in His people. The love, power, and wisdom of God in us by the Holy Spirit is the greatest supernatural potential to accomplish our God-given work, business, or service in the natural world. Selah. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25. Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit, Ron McGatlin openheaven [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 21:43:14 +0000

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