Love Life What is it to be human? What is it to be born of this - TopicsExpress


Love Life What is it to be human? What is it to be born of this world at this time? This reality is a projection of ten billion human minds, each perceiving and reflecting a fraction of the total picture. We all play our part in our own time, we all think and feel and breathe. We are all limited by our own perception of reality. An educated mind is the only real freedom we may ever possess, freedom from the myopia of mass-media culture, freedom also in times of famine, loss, and social or physical captivity. There is an awakening. Awake! Arise! Assist your fellow man in waking up. The information is here, the time is now, educate yourself and become aware. Love life to the extent that taking your part in the grand picture is all that is required for happiness. Be content with yourself, you are perfectly suited to your life’s purpose. Open your eyes to the state of the world around you and admit that change is both needed and inevitable. Now be comfortable with your life in a state of change, for it is beautiful. Love life for its variety, love life for its lessons, for the ironic timing and peculiar coincidences. Admit that it’s not all ‘just chance’. Every cause has an effect and every action has a reaction. The time is now to stop reacting and start acting. Your life is as much in your control as you are willing to accept. Love life for the inheritance we are given. We, all of us, collectively own all of the achievements of mankind. Endless cultures and languages, fantastic art, architecture and music, from the dawn of civilization until now, are ours to learn about, enjoy, and pass on. Truly now more than any other time we stand to benefit from millennia of human life and intellect. But it could all disappear in a flash, destroyed by greed and ignorance. So love life for the achievements of the persevering human soul, which expresses itself through art and poetry and lovemaking, against the backdrop of all cultures. Love life for the tenderness of a mother’s touch, for the tenuous hold of a last breath, and for the realization that we are never alone. Love life for the prophetic nature of children’s words. Certainly the children of this new generation will be the teachers to their parents, and the prophets of the new age, innocent and close to the source. Others will cultivate an ear for divine wisdom later in life. Learning to listen and trust our own inner knowledge is tricky but necessary. When it’s all said and done it’s impossible to say we haven’t known all along. Awaken, Arise, let us all throw our blindfolds to the floor and see. Cast off the loyalties of our consumerist facade, for it will fail you in the end. Realize that less than one percent of the world’s population owns a computer, and be humbled by your comparative wealth. Embrace both the humility and the opportunities life has afforded you, opportunities to make a difference in other peoples lives. Love life for the gifts we are given but never regret the loss. All feel loss, no one will escape the touch of hunger or pain; but even in the midst of dark times the light of love outshines the darkness. Give thanks! Admire the natural beauty of the earth, contemplate its design, and appreciate the complexity of nature. Admiration for creation is the sincerest form of worship. Look at the sky! The Creator expresses slices of personality in the sky, ever changing emotions. Most assuredly the sky communicates. Do you know what it says? Love Life.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 06:01:37 +0000

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