Love Life and Peace 1 - TopicsExpress


Love Life and Peace 1 ----------------------------------------------- THE EMPRESS This card augurs a need for us to be in touch with our feminine side, to listen to our intuition, and to give priority to your emotions an passions. You are promised growth, prosperity and fertility in all things - your needs will be fulfilled with joy and satisfaction. Your original seeds were well planted - the harvest is wonderful and now is the time to reap the benefits. The results will be much larger than you anticipated. Look forward to a happy conclusion - you are coming to the end of hard work and sacrifice - soon recognition and rewards will come for all your efforts. Respond to your memory and it will produce growth through your imagination - the solid stability which is the activity behind all manifestation. Growth, expansion and freedom result in self-expression, luck and extravagance as your talents and interests unfold. Freedom and growth are the keys - allow yourself to experience the fruit of your "inner" mind, your creative imagination through which you give birth to your sense of physical reality - all possibilities stream from here. We all grow through open-hearted encouragement and understanding. Through your imagination you can project ideas into the future, anticipate behavior and integrate your outer and inner experiences as your conscious mind focuses on the intent, combines with the knowledge of your inner, intuitive mind to project the images into future reality. Give your loving heart, your creative mind, your physical energy and your spiritual understanding to help yourself and others unfold. Pure emotion, deep intuitive understanding through a passionate approach to life. You learn to give and take experiences with uncontrolled feelings - to experience the outer world completely, so that you might one day transcend it. The first step to enlightenment is sensuality - only through passion can you sense from deep within. Your body and the world are realities which must be integrated - they can not be denied. No fruit is too small, no being is too weak, no idea is too foolish and no emotion is too immature. Return to your natural state and allow yourself to experience life directly. Life is a creative unfoldment - approach it through your feelings, rather than through thought - for this is your time of passion. The power of LOVE is twofold - divine and human. It is united through human words or action and it provides more than simple "healing". It restores freedom as it releases you from doubt, fear, hate, apathy and despair. The inspiration and intuition that you seek can not be accomplished by your "will" - they are gifts from above which are preceded by the efforts of your "will" to become worthy of those gifts. Instead of putting forth your hand to "take" - learn to open your mind, your heart and your will to "receive" that which is graciously bestowed upon you. There is no faith, hope or love without the experience of "grace" -which is the Divine gift. No logical reasoning or moral action, can awaken faith. Reasoning eliminates the obstacles, misunderstandings and prejudices in order to help you establish the state of "silence" necessary to allow you to experience faith - the silence which "moves" the soul. No spirit, soul or body could live if entirely deprived of all love, hope and faith. Experience the "silence" and the Divine within you will spark love and make it grow and spread through His "grace". Emotionally preserve the essence and quality of life; mentally give birth to new ideas; physically nurture your life creations and spiritually protect them with a healing and compassionate hand. Questions to Answer: How are your nurturing and mothering qualities being used right now? What creative projects are growing and developing? What are you attracting to you? Who is inspiring and nurturing you? How are you indulging your senses?.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:20:09 +0000

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