Love, Light & Healing has been sent. Please join me in sending a - TopicsExpress


Love, Light & Healing has been sent. Please join me in sending a Prayer of Gratitude, any you like, this is the one I use: I Am ……………. I send my Love and Gratitude to God, the Hierarchy of Light, my Guides, Guardians and all those assisting me today. To all Beings of Light, Humans, Dragons, Elementals, Space Brothers and Sisters and Creatures of the Earth. And to Mother Earth, the Moon and the Universe. Amen https://youtube/watch?v=RwUGSYDKUxU Now allow your soul star to travel back to the universal energies, until we wish to connect to the ascension healing energies once again Now allow yourself to close your crown chakra into a bud (White) Closing down your third eye in the middle of your forehead into a bud (purple/indigo) Closing down your throat chakra also (blue) Closing down your heart chakra (green) Closing down your solar plexus just above you belly button (yellow) Closing down your sacral beneath your belly button (orange) Your root (red) always stays open, keeping you grounded keeping you connected to mother earth The white light of love is always within you and around you aiding you in your daily lifestyle We now also ask for the ascension healing energy to be extended to our friends and family, here and in the spirit world, to past lives, present lives, to those yet to be, to the animal kingdom, birds of the sky and creatures of the sea, to those making the transition from this life to the next life…may it be an easy passing for them, we ask healing for humanity, mother earth, mother nature, to other species and other dimensions within our universe…to all that is…and we give gratitude On behalf of us all, I would like to thank our loved ones, our guides, the angels, ascended masters light source energies from within the universe for aiding our healing work tonight….and of course to you for taking the time to give the gift of healing to yourselves and to others. The healing energies will continue to work with you and around you throughout the night…bless you and thank you for joining me, I hope you have enjoyed this healing session tonight as much as I have, much love and hugs from my heart to yours today and every day xx
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 22:16:45 +0000

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