Love Makes Me Chapter 20: Hermione’s POV: I jogged across - TopicsExpress


Love Makes Me Chapter 20: Hermione’s POV: I jogged across the school grounds once I left the castle, finally catching up to Draco’s enormous and quick stride. “What’s the big hurry? It only takes fifteen minutes to get to Hogsmeade so we can apparate, so unless you’ve got something planned for before our meeting, I suggest you tell me now,” I stated coolly. He glanced at my icy expression and replied, “Sorry, ‘Mi, but McGonagall had strict orders not to tell you everything that we’re doing today so you won’t micromanage it. Besides, would you really be angry with me if I did have something planned for you as a surprise? I hardly doubt that, especially if it involved classic muggle literature and ice cream,” his eyes danced with excitement. “Well aren’t you just extremely overexcited for today? Can I have my mocha back please?” I asked. Draco obliged, handing my both my coffee and satchel. Taking a large sip, I used my peripheral vision to assess the boy-turned-man walking next to me. Hair cut short, piercing steel blue eyes that had seen far too much war and destruction; immaculate, well-fitting clothes that now seemed to now swallow him whole. Fingernails bitten on pale, veiny hands; a deep sorrow hidden behind a mask of happiness. It broke my heart further to realize I was in similar shape. We continued walking down the path to Hogsmeade for a few more minutes and then he suddenly grabbed my hand and sucked me into the dark vacuum of apparating. We landed in the early morning sunshine outside Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream parlor. I looked at him and bubbily said, “You didn’t!” He pulled out his copy of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing and ushered me inside. “Two mint chocolate chip scoops for each of us please,” he ordered from the counter, then sat down at a table near the back, setting the book on the table. “What’s with the Shakespeare and my favorite ice cream?” I inquired. “I decided we’d both had enough tragedy in our lives for a while, so I thought a romantic comedy might be good for us to read instead. I just wanted to brighten your day since it’s been a little rough recently,” he smiled sincerely. I smiled back at him, touched by his thoughtfulness. The worker gave us our ice cream and Draco tipped him eleven Knuts, even though we were the only customers in the shop. Digging in to my bowl happily, I let Draco begin reading aloud and eating simultaneously. Once we had both finished, it was time to meet with the planner. As we left Fortescue’s, I took Draco’s hand and squeezed it once before letting go. “Thank you for that,” I said. He smiled again but didn’t say anything. ~Narcissa ∞
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:24:43 +0000

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