* Love Me… If You Dare…* Let’s blossom the love again… - TopicsExpress


* Love Me… If You Dare…* Let’s blossom the love again… “Love me… If you Dare”, is all about the second innings of falling in love all over again with a twist of having learnt lessons from the failed relationship… A wounded heart hence knows how to let go the Pride & Prejudice to Protect the new Love… Love is reality, how much we try to run away… It is the ultimate truth that lies at the center of the Heart & flows with every heart beat… Don’t fret or feel depressed or give up living if you have been thru a bad marriage or a relationship… It’s an opportunity given to you by the Destiny to rewrite & recreate your world after those dreadful days of history… While you are exploring this new phase… walking all alone… making a mark for yourself… you would come across many acquaintance who are aiming to take advantage of your single hood… success… popularity and are very much eager to give you a shoulder… take off your responsibilities (namesake)… But here comes a question? Is this person for me or for my Achievements??? “Love Me… If You Dare”, should be your answer… It’s easy to say things but it takes courage and strength to accept the Love with their past… If a person can Dare it for you… Blindly accept & stay connected without even a formal relationship tag… Here Dare does not mean, you express your feelings loudly to the world… to leave or hurt other person in your life… To buy or gift materialistic things… to take up responsibilities… or PDA’s… But it is... the person ready to share & live ordinary moments together in reality… express with confidence & care without hiding the true feelings… walk up to you when you need the most... feels proud of your journey and together you help each other to grow… Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses… Now while you choose your soul mate… it’s not a bad idea if your heart falls for someone who has already walked down the aisle… as they have learnt the true meaning of a bond... # Divorced or separated ones are passionate because they are free after a long time in many years… # After the anguish of separation there is a realization to grow personally and to enjoy healthy relationship with a right partner… # There is clarity in the picture of what you desire from your new relationship… to enjoy life again with a deeper level to relate. # There is more tolerance… understanding… emotional connects in these people than those Happily Married Counterpart and are less crazy about the life details… # There are realistic expectations from each other rather than ‘Happily Ever After’ themes… as life has taught them Love lessons in a hard way… # Separated or divorced ones have less inhibitions and are ready to explore love & being together in much better & bolder way… than those who are new in a relationship… In fact… Men are always attracted towards a separated lady because of her wisdom… understanding… struggle she took to get back her life and now the efforts she puts to save & protect her Love… Likewise Women fall for Men who are emotionally strong… courageous… self-made… respect womanhood… Playing games… Jealously… Insecurity does not have any scope in the second innings… All you have is hunger for love… A decision to stick to LOVE… Hate is too great burden to bear... There is always something left to love… And if you aint learned that, you aint learned nothing… Love Me… If You Dare… Thrumyeyes… © Anjusha Chaughule
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 06:38:06 +0000

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