Love Shows Our Destination We know that we have passed from death - TopicsExpress


Love Shows Our Destination We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. The one who does not love remains in death. 1 John 3:14 We received a phone call that our church was on fire, the result of arson. The fire department battled to control the blaze, but it burned to the ground. As we cleared away the debris and began rebuilding, donations poured in—a piano, an organ, a PA system. People we didn’t know came to help. We have a new church now, one truly built by love. As Christians, we who were once spiritually dead received eternal life. Hearts that once knew hate became filled with love. John emphasized if we love God, that love should overflow to our Christian brothers and sisters. When we worship together, pray for, and forgive one another, we forge bonds too strong to break. We can have close non-Christian friends, but they may not understand our love for spiritual things nor feel the bond of love we share with fellow Christians. They may be good friends, but our spiritual brothers and sisters are family. Father, thank You for bringing me out of death into life, and thank You for the love I share with my fellow Christians. May I never take it for granted. This devotional is courtesy of Open Windows.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:18:19 +0000

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