Love. The world says that love can die. Im even guilty of - TopicsExpress


Love. The world says that love can die. Im even guilty of believing this false hood. They say that there is no such thing as real love....its a construct of the greeting card industry. Except this is just not true. The premise is faulty. True, real love doesnt die, it just gets lost under all the junk that is thrown on top of it like a favorite shirt gets lost in the pile of dirty laundry. The bible talks about true, real love....not the fake puppy love, but real substantial love. The love that God has for us, and the love we should have for others. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint.… 1 Peter 4:8 If love dies then we are all screwed, because that means Gods love for us can die to. But wait you say, God is God.....His ways are not ours and you would be right to an extent. However, Jesus is our model just as Jesus followed the Father. Even when the disciples fled, lied, disowned him, sold him out, and hid......He still loved them through the smelly clothes. When the people, who a couple of days earlier had been praising him, CRIED out for His death......He still loved them and did not accuse, but forgave. He reflected our Heavenly Fathers love for us. Love covers a multitude of sins. God doesnt remember the bad.....the bible says that when we come to Him, He forgets our sins. That they are as far from us as the East is from the West. They simply never happened! Imagine that! When we cry out to God and come home, He doesnt see the bad....just the good. Imagine how the powerful the church could be if we would just grasp this simple, simple truth. To just love. To love others as we love ourselves and want to be loved. Maybe if we could just grasp this so simplistic statement maybe the church wouldnt be so messed up. Either we pretend or we depend. We die or we live. Its our choice and I think at the moment, were on life support, with the devil just waiting for the go ahead to pull the plug. What will we choose?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 03:23:26 +0000

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