Love Them Anyway Have you ever tried to show someone you care - - TopicsExpress


Love Them Anyway Have you ever tried to show someone you care - only to have them reject you? Have you ever been kind to someone - only to have them abuse your kindness? The typical reaction would be to reject them as well or maybe even retaliate and/or try to hurt them in return. But I would like to suggest something else - something much more radical for us to do: Love them anyway. It isnt the easiest thing to do but it is the most commendable thing to do. That doesnt mean we should allow others to abuse us - it simply means we dont allow the thoughtless actions of others to cause us to stop doing what is right. Jesus did that very thing. He loved Judas - the very one who betrayed Him with a kiss. He loved the ones who lied at His trial... the ones who beat a crown of thorns into His head and whipped Him... the ones who mocked Him as He deliberately walked towards Calvary, and the very men who nailed Him to the cross. Then, after being lifted up on the cross - beaten, bloodied, and naked for all the world to see - He demonstrated His love for all humanity - He forgave them... you and me included. Jesus taught that if we only love the ones who are easy to love - or only love the ones who will love us in return - then our love is not worth much. . He didnt just love the ones who obeyed Him and chose to follow Him - He loved those who rejected Him. We have no control how others will react to our kindness but we do have control over whether we will chose to continue to show kindness to others - even if they reject us. Yes, the temptation will be to reject them back - but Jesus would encourage us - keep caring for them and loving them. Besides - we arent doing it for our sake - we are doing it for His. Selah
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:31:12 +0000

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