Love! This topic has come up a lot lately in my posts, and in - TopicsExpress


Love! This topic has come up a lot lately in my posts, and in those of some people I know. I have heard poems about love, prayers about love, and songs about love. I have yet to hear any that fully encompass all that it is. At least not for me. But it got me thinking....about the people in my life. There is much that I regret, about where I have failed someone I love. There is much I would do again, even knowing it wasnt what was wanted necessarily. In regards to my beautiful children that I love with every ounce of my being....please allow me to say Im sorry. Im sorry for the games I missed, and the recitals I missed. Know this, it killed me to miss them, but I loved you all enough to sacrifice the wonderful pleasure I would have from being there sometimes, in order to make sure we could afford to get you there, to have a warm house to return to, and to hear the excitement in your voices when you would tell me about them. It occurs to me that love isnt always doing what someone asks for, but instead, supporting them, and encouraging them to participate in things that they enjoy, and in things that are sometimes necessary in life. Trust me when I say, I would have loved to always be where I wanted to be, but there were times I needed to be somewhere else in order to provide you with that opportunity. Love isnt selfish, its selfless. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do, is not be there, but be supportive and reassuring in the growth of your love ones in what they do. Dont get me wrong, love can be scary. But the true reward is in seeing someone grow into the person they want to be, self assured, and confident. Doing things not only for the one they love, but in understanding that the one you love will grow stronger having done something they need to do for themselve. Love is not possessing is sharing moments with someone you cherish, and realizing their happiness, comes from within themselves, and the honor you feel from sharing that happiness with them. Should we do for each other in love....certainly, so long as we do not weaken the resolve of our partners to have their dreams, their lives, and their priorities as well. Love is powerful, and precious, yet fragile and delicate. Squeeze too tightly, and it breaks, let it grow, and you will experience the beauty the the person you love in ways you never dreamed possible. Dont be afraid of going out on a limb for love.....for that is where you will find the sweetest fruit!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 04:58:43 +0000

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