Love Your Pastor Saturday, 29 November 2014 He...gave some to - TopicsExpress


Love Your Pastor Saturday, 29 November 2014 He...gave some to be...pastors. Ephesians 4:11 NIV Pastors have a tough job. They get more kicks than kisses. If a pastor is young he lacks experience; if hes grey-haired hes too old. If he has five kids he has too many; if he has none hes setting a bad example. If his wife sings in the choir shes being forward; if not, shes not dedicated enough. If he preaches from notes hes dry; if hes extemporaneous hes too shallow. If he spends too much time in his study hes neglecting his people; if he makes home visits hes not a good time manager. If hes attentive to the poor hes grandstanding; if he attends to the wealthy hes ingratiating. If he suggests improvements hes a dictator; if he doesnt he has no vision. If he uses too many illustrations he neglects the Bible; if he doesnt use enough stories, hes unclear. If he speaks against wrong hes legalistic; if he doesnt hes a compromiser. If he preaches for an hour hes windy; less than that, he has nothing to say. If he preaches the truth hes offensive; if he doesnt hes wishy-washy. If he fails to please everybody hes hurting the church; if he tries to please everybody he has no convictions. If he preaches tithing hes a money grabber; if not, hes failing to develop his people. If he receives a large salary hes mercenary; if he doesnt it proves hes not worth much. If he preaches on a regular basis, people get tired of hearing the same person; if he invites guest preachers hes shirking his responsibility. Wow! And you thought your pastor had an easy life! How would you like to changes places? Bottom line: love your pastor. TWFYT
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:25:41 +0000

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