Love a broken girl. Love a girl who has been hurt before. She - TopicsExpress


Love a broken girl. Love a girl who has been hurt before. She doesn’t like trusting people, because she knows that people can and will hurt her. Love a girl with broken wings – the one who’s scared of love. It might be a bit hard to find her, because she knows how to blend in. She might be that shy girl sitting quietly in the corner or maybe the girl with her friends laughing a bit too loud to hide the pain. You can’t tell from just looking at her, but once you earn her trust, she’ll tell you. She’ll pretend that she hates love, that she doesn’t believe in fairytale endings. She’s just saying that. All she really wants is to love, and to be loved back. But she’s scared that everyone is just going to hurt her in the end, so she says it’s better not to love at all. She’s the one who can have a great time with all of her friends, but casually turns down offers to occasions where she might need to bring a date. She’ll pretend to be too busy, but actually it’s because she doesn’t want to see happy couples. She might laugh a lot, but you’ll be able to see the sadness in her eyes. Don’t ignore it. Talk to her. Become her friend. Don’t rush into a relationship with her, because she won’t be ready yet. Make sure that she feels comfortable around you. Strike up conversations about nothing in particular. It definitely isn’t easy to date a broken girl. It will take a lot of work. You have to put up with her insecurities, and reassure her that you love her, and that yes, you do mean it when you say that she’s beautiful. She still won’t believe you, because she’s been told horrible things in the past, but you have to keep trying. There will be days when she’s in a bad mood, and she might ignore you and refuse to talk to you or anyone else. You’ll have to try and ask her to talk to you, because she won’t be the first one to speak to you. She won’t show that she minds too much if you lie to her, because she’s been told lies in the past. She’ll say that it’s fine, and that it’s okay. But make sure that you don’t drop the issue. Make sure you apologize to her. Because if you don’t, you’ll lose her trust. If you fail her somehow, she won’t be mad at you. It probably won’t be as bad as anything she’s experienced before. But don’t treat her like dirt just because you can. You have to show her that she can trust you. But no matter how hard it might be to love someone like that, it will be worth it in the end. It will be worth it to see her laugh, and genuinely smile when she’s with you. It will be worth it to see her feel completely safe in your arms. It will be worth it to finally hear her saying those three little words, I love you, after such a long time waiting. It will be worth it to have her telling you that she trusts you. Every now and then, you’ll lose her. She might be staring into a corner, with a blank look on her face. A tear might fall from her eyes. She’s just remembering the past. Hug her gently. Hold her in your arms, and tell her that everything is going to be alright. Eventually, she’ll snap out of it, and laugh again. Maybe it won’t work out. But at least you’ve shown her that not everyone is like those that hurt her before. Chances are though, it will. Chances are, you will get married, have children, and live happily ever after. Chances are, she’ll finally get her perfect ending. But no matter what happens, it will be beautiful. You will see yourself healing her broken heart, and teaching her how to love again. -notadamselindistress
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:34:28 +0000

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