Love all the people that have it figured out. How we as a people - TopicsExpress


Love all the people that have it figured out. How we as a people should act and feel. How we should respond or not respond. What we should do in the future. How we should instruct our sons to be and interact in society. The most interesting and intriguing post are the ones giving advice and counsel to black men. Black man do this. Black man do that. Black man dont do this. Black man dont do that. Black man stand up. Black man sit down. Black man be mad. Black man stay quiet. Black man pray. People will say its not about race; but were still having the same conversation 237+ years after we became a nation. People say its not about injustice; but we continue to suffer the same injustices and atrocities as a people group we have since the conception of our democracy. People say its your own fault; but we continue to be over wrought and under represented because as a people group were not minorities because of the color of our skin...but because of the number of us there are. So now the people are saying oh Lord, here goes another diatribe about the woeful plight of the black man. Child please, Ive been blessed, highly favored and a beneficiary even with a system thats tried its damnedest to take me down and out...and still I stand. But this aint about me. This is about you. You who put your mouth on a creation that youve tried to break, harness and no avail. This is about you, who say how the black man is scary, untrustworthy, shiftless, lazy, menacing, and too many other adjectives and adverbs to type. This is about you when you can say in good conscience its ok to take the life of a youth because...well...he was a thug. So this is about you. You whove never made a mistake. You who have never been wrong. You who were born on the right side of the tracks. You who were born in the right skin. You who have never lied. You who have never stolen. You who have been blessed to never fall on the wrong side of a circumstance let alone the law. You who have scraped and clawed your way out of the muck and mire to realize and embrace the American dream. This is about you who dont know the history of the country you live in. This is about you that have no empathy because youve never had to struggle. Youve never been viewed as suspect simply because. This is about you because youve been deceived into believing the lie that who you are and what you did that. This is about you that dont know the history of your people and are foolish enough to think that if you act a certain way, think a certain way, talk a certain way, and can denigrate and identify with them on issues where your people are oppressed...youll be accepted. You wont. This is not about Ferguson MO. This is about you Signed: A Black Man in America
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:24:48 +0000

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