Love cannot fully flourish and have its way in you when hemmed in - TopicsExpress


Love cannot fully flourish and have its way in you when hemmed in by fears and doubts. 1 John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and WHOEVER FEARS HAS NOT BEEN MADE PERFECT IN LOVE. What I believe this verse is saying is that as long as you have those fears and those doubts in the back of your mind, then love cannot fully have its way in you. In other words, as long as you hold on to those doubts and those fears, God’s love cannot fully work in your heart and it cannot do everything that it wants to do in you. This doesn’t mean that he loves you less or that he’s disappointed or frustrated, it simply means that you won’t benefit FULLY from the love that he has for you. It’s his love and his grace that changes us, but when you refuse to let go and trust fully in his kindness, you can’t be made perfect in his love. There’s no condemnation in this message, because I think we all have these thoughts, we all have these doubts and we all have these fears. But, if you really want to change, if you really want to go further in God and let his love radically change you, you’ve got to let go and trust in his love for you. So, put your trust in his kindness. Put your trust in his goodness. Put your trust in his grace and in his perfect love for you. We’ve all messed up, we’ve all fallen short, we’ve all blown it – most of us many times over, but we’ve got to let go of that voice that says “are you sure he really loves you?” , “are you sure you haven’t messed up to bad?” , “Are you sure you haven’t gone too far?” EVERY FEAR AND EVERY DOUBT IN YOUR MIND IS A LIE! Let go of the lies and trust in him! He loves you with a perfect love. A love that is beyond anything we can comprehend. So just rest today in his grace and in his love and in his kindness and put all your trust and all your hope in Him! He is perfect love and he loves you with everything that he is!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 12:46:06 +0000

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