Love is a Skill Dr. Salman Alodah 01/07/2014 The unrivalled - TopicsExpress


Love is a Skill Dr. Salman Alodah 01/07/2014 The unrivalled poet of love, Nizar Qabbani, wrote: Love, on Earth, is something from our imagination; If we had not found it therein, we’d have invented it. Those who truly love each other would not want to be separated from their love, even if they have to endure much pain for its sake. We need to love life. We need to love what we find in life, if we do not find in it what we already love. We need to be able to see the good side of whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. This applies even to our problems, obstacles, and tribulations. Such are life’s lessons that teach us to be patient and strong and that direct our attentions back to Allah. Such challenges also enable us to come up with better alternatives. We need to enjoy the duties that we have to bear: our jobs, our studies, helping others, maintaining family ties, carrying out or responsibilities, and our obligatory worship. You can do something simply because it is your job and you have to do it. Your results will be lacklustre and uninspired. This is totally different than when you love your work. Then you give it your best and the results can be astounding. Love for the work you carry out is part of the love of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah loves it that if one of you does some work, that he does so with proficiency.” [Musnad Abī Ya`la, and al-Albani in al-Silsilah al-Sahīhah] Love for Allah is a feeling that fills our lives with joy, contentment, and peace of mind. It makes our prayers the “sweetness of our eyes” just like it was for Prophet Muhammad, who also said: “O Bilal, [summon us to prayer] and let us find our rest in it.” He found rest, solace, and contentment in prayer. He did not see prayer as a chore which we need to get out of the way so we can rest! The love of life, with all of its pain, difficulties, and longings, is something profound, because life is Allah’s gift to us. We should love that Allah has made us human beings, a creation which He has honoured and exalted above much of what He created. As human beings, we are the kinsfolk of the prophets, then messengers, and the righteous. We should love the souls Allah has placed within our bodies, that animate us and give us the strength to hope and aspire to greater things. We should love being the descendants of Adam and Eve, whose first abode was Paradise, and who, after they ate of the tree, were placed in the Earth to populate it and benefit from Allah placing everything in it at their disposal. As a result, their descendants built great nations and civilizations, made great scientific discoveries, and amassed knowledge of many things. Do not hesitate to act because you fear being disappointed or making a mistake. That is a natural part of life. Learn to accept what is good, and learn to love things though they fall short of perfection. You will be loved in return. Love your spouse, your home, your family, your friends, and the good relationships you have with others. In order to live life enthusiastically, you need to learn how to love what you are involved with. Start a new job, learn a new language, get involved in something new. Learn how to accept challenges with confidence and proficiency. If you dislike something and find it a burden, you will not be productive no matter how qualified and capable you are. Ask yourself: What are the new skills and discoveries within your vocation or field of specialization? Be flexible, able to adapt to changing circumstances. Envision your success and keep a positive focus. Be certain that there are a hundred ways to realize the goal at hand, and do not lock yourself into a narrow vision of how to get things done. Identify the factors that impede your success, try to get them under control, and change them into positive factors if you can. Frustrations and impediments beset every endeavour, no matter what your strategy is in approaching it. Do not undervalue what is available to you. It may be the best there is. Sometimes we undervalue what we have simply because it is what we have! Love is a lesson you can learn. Do not be stingy with your love. Train your heart muscles to extend the scope of your love to others and to wish the best for them. learn to love your city, your job, or whatever circumstances Allah has decreed for you. If you love those things, you will be sincere in your dealings with them and you will excel.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:30:22 +0000

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