Love is a fickle paradox, capable of producing the greatest - TopicsExpress


Love is a fickle paradox, capable of producing the greatest emotions, as well as the worst. Whether it be intimate relationships with significant others, or family and friends, love is the most beautiful thing to share and even more satisfying to receive. Feeling loved, appreciated, respected and valued is just amazing. These reasons are why it hurts so terribly to lose someones love. Value turns to expendability, respect is replaced with contempt, appreciation with disgust, and love with apathy. Theres no sufficient way of explaining the pain behind lost love, its like drowning and struggling for air but seeing everyone around you breathe normally. You begin to question your self worth, pondering on what was so foul about you that it pushed them away. Feelings of worthlessness sink in, youre in your own grave and the dirt is filling in quickly. With the love gone and the person who brought on such pure emotions just a dour memory, why continue? You tolerate the situation and the world around you loses its vibrant colors and is replaced with a lifeless, dull grey. So why move on? The feeling is gone and therefore its impossible to feel them again, right? The more phrases like this rotate within your mind, the more proposturous they seem. You know deep down you can heal, but you almost dont want to out of fear that love will find its way to you and be ripped from your clutch once more. Sadly there is truth and validation in your fear because it will happen again. You will love, you will lose, and it will hurt just as bad the next time around. With each failed relationship comes a lesson, you find out more about yourself, what you like or dont like. You realize what kind of people you rather surround yourself with and who to steer clear of. You will love, you will get hurt, you will hurt, and you will feel the sting of misery again. But with each tear shed you realize more and more who you are and what you have to offer the world. And in the end you will be ok. Everything will be ok.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:27:18 +0000

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