Love is a mysterious and nebulous shimmering cocoon. Always full - TopicsExpress


Love is a mysterious and nebulous shimmering cocoon. Always full of growth. I feel so blessed to celebrate having spent a whole year of this life, sharing every day with my best friend, my trusted rock. This is the first time I have experienced a connection like this, so grounded and full of unconditional love, so rooted in deep friendship, generosity, soul connection, mutual upliftment and support. Tonight I am looking back and witnessing the wings that have sprouted for us both in this quiet, private little nest we have built together all year, in a little redwood grove. Doing the work together. Through ups and downs, we have navigated these waters, this dance of man and woman. We have always made it through, stronger on the other side of every little challenge, growing our communication skills and heart bond and friendship. Playing the game of identifying patterns and triggers and wounds, and uprooting them together with twinkling eyes. I feel so blessed at the way Life has brought me the exact puzzle piece human being that my soul needed for its growth. In the soil of our bond, our roots of friendship have grown deep. We are opposites in so many ways and yet the cores of our hearts are resonant and glue us together like a yin yang. 18 years older than me, he can be focused, serious, grounded and mature, where I have always been very childlike, ethereal and playful. We bring each other to balance. These days I look in the mirror and see that somewhere, somehow, because of this bond we share, I have turned into a more grounded, mature woman, with focus and direction. I feel honored and privileged to have shared even a day of my life with the greatest man Ive ever met. As we come up to the end point of our hand fasting agreement, I feel so content. Completing this cycle of a year together makes my heart sigh with gratitude for all the lessons, all the growth, all the support, all the tenderness, all the sharing, all the laughter, all the love. Feeling so content tonight. So peaceful. To have even just One Being who knows the contents and depths of your Heart and Soul ... that is a treasure.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:28:59 +0000

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