Love isnt always love. Lets not be blind sighted. Everybody - TopicsExpress


Love isnt always love. Lets not be blind sighted. Everybody wants to beloved. But not everybody wants to think they have been scammed. The internet makes it far to easy for lonely middle aged men to be targets of international marriage scams. Here are a few things to look for: *You are pursued by a young, attractive seemingly available woman from a foreign country. *She finds you very attractive, and stimulates you with conversation with exactly the words that you’ve been dying to hear. She understands you, compliments you and is eager to meet you. *She will send you photos, pay you compliments and stroke your ego. *Be wary if they seem to get too serious too soon. This may include using pet names (e.g. hon, love, babe, sweetie, boo etc.) Quickly discussing marriage after a few weeks or months. They may also claim that destiny/fate/God brought you guys together and that they cant live without you. These are things to lure you in. *She will study your information determining age, back ground, religious beliefs and target your personal likes & dislikes. She will share your music genre-which will BTW be totally foreign to her. Red Flag ex: 25 y/o Russian or Philippine woman sharing The Beatles, Frank Sinatra etc. Lionel Richie or Luther Van Dross, the music genre of your youth. *Scammers often use cliché phrases such as Remember the distance or color does not matter, but love matters a lot in life. *She will rope you in w/ stories of loss, abuse, divorce, abandonment, dispair, sick children. *Scammers will try to separate/divide and conquer often asking you to leave social media sights, dating sights etc. *Scammers will proceed quickly through steps to get your last name, get info. on financial accounts etc. *Rest assured that though you may feel special, this is a job for her and you are a number. There were others before you and will be others after you. Get OUT before it’s to late! *Lonely hearts beware. Time, emotion, happiness and your cash are far to valuable to be wasted on scams. Blind sighted.. Seeing only what you want to see and then being done in by something you really should have seen coming.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:52:26 +0000

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