Love, love , love....... Neale Donald Walachs Book: - TopicsExpress


Love, love , love....... Neale Donald Walachs Book: Conversations with God Do you ever wonder why things are happening the way they are in your life? Well, let me tell you one of the secrets I learned through my conversations with God: Everything is perfect just as it is, in every moment. Now, its very easy to say something like “everything is perfect,” or “everything happens for a reason” . . . But in my case, before my conversations with God began, the only thing I knew for sure was that nothing felt perfect to me. And yet the message was clear: I needed to see the perfection in all the current circumstances of my life—there were no mistakes, nothing was wrong—in fact, I needed to turn my frustrations into a celebration of all I was learning and experiencing. This secret changed my life forever. Your reaction to the idea that “everything is perfect just as it is” may well have been the same one I had all those years ago when God said it to me. How am I supposed to see the perfection of living on the street for a year, or having no money, or my relationship having fallen apart, or my family turning away from me? My health is going downhill, too. What could possibly be perfect about any of that? Thats exactly what I asked God, and the message I received changed my life. It led me to a place of clarity and understanding that I now want to share with you . . . Because unless you know what it is you are trying to do in your life, and unless you deeply understand the process that is required in order to do it, seeing the perfection is difficult—and yet it is the key to being free from struggle, suffering and shame. So take a moment right now, and consider something in your life that frustrates you or saddens you. For me it was that I was in dire straits at that time in my life, living on the streets and feeling abandoned. What is it for you right now? I ask you this because when I asked God to explain why I suffered as I did, and what could possibly be perfect about it, I was told something very important: Suppose you decided that you are the light. Just say these words to me, Neale, say: I am the light. So I did. And then God asked me: How would you know you were the light if there wasnt darkness? Then God used the example of a candle in the bright midday sunlight, standing there among millions of other candles. How can the candle experience itself as light when it is surrounded by light? Only in a room of darkness can a candle experience its own light. And then God said: I will surround you with darkness. Yet, when you are surrounded with darkness, raise not your fist to heaven and curse not the darkness, but use the darkness that you might know who you really are. It’s a beautiful metaphor, and one that made profound sense to me, even then. But I was still struggling with one thing, so I asked God: “How does that awareness work with my day-to-day ‘on the ground’ existence? How do I face the darkness of everyday life?” God said: There is a real simple trick here, Neale. Its called Gratitude. Your job is to be grateful for every condition and circumstance in life, no matter how imperfect you imagine it to be. And that’s exactly what I’ve tried to do ever since—a path that has led me to be here right now, offering this very same gift of wisdom to you. The message of Gratitude is an acknowledgment of perfection. Because, as it was explained to me, everything is perfectly designed and has been called forth by you and those around you in a collaborative effort to provide the perfect opportunity to express perfection through you—to express who you choose to experience yourself as. I know youre familiar with gratitude and why its important, but there is a dimension of gratitude I rarely hear discussed, and thats magnitude. Because when I looked at how much darkness had seeped into my life back then, I said: Yes, God, I understand . . . but why do I have to deal with so much darkness? And God said: It depends on how much of a master you want to be. The higher level of mastery you call forth, the greater the challenges. What that means is that each of us must bless these chances to express Perfection—even when the day-to-day challenges are numerous and difficult. In fact, especially when they are numerous and difficult, for they are simply the equal and opposite force to our own immensity and greatness that we are calling forth from within us. But if we instead pass judgement on our daily life challenges and make them “wrong” and resist them, we end up feeling trapped by them, as though it’s not even possible to have a life of joy. We feel defeated by life instead of realizing how every single one of our circumstances actually provides a means for us to express our Perfection. We’ve seen all the great masters and spiritual leaders do this in their lives as wonderful examples for us. As in the case of Jesus, when he forgave the people who persecuted him, he was not saying that it was okay for them to abuse, accuse, and ultimately kill him. Rather, his forgiveness was his way of showing gratitude for those challenges, by giving him the strength to meet them as exactly who he was—a man of compassion, love, and understanding. And right now, in this short exercise, I want you to try this kind of gratitude on one of the biggest challenges in your life. Because every single one of your daily challenges is an invaluable opportunity for you to access your own greatness. And once you’ve figured out which of your biggest challenges to use, go to our Facebook Page and post your gratitude for it. For example, you might say something like: “I am grateful for the difficult time I’m having with some of my coworkers, because it gives me an opportunity to overcome my fear, get creative, and resolve the conflict in the best possible way.” Or: “I am grateful that I’m having to deal with some health issues right now, because it is forcing to me to create healthier habits in my life which will allow me to live longer and be happier.” And after you post your gratitude for one of your own challenges on our Facebook Page, you can spend as much time there as you want, looking around and reading what everyone else has posted. As you’ll see, a wonderful community is already beginning to gather there. After you post your gratitude, don’t be surprised if it feels as though a weight has lifted from you, and the way you see and respond to that challenge in your life completely changes. Then, anytime you feel faced with another challenge, post your gratitude for it in this same way and see if you don’t feel some of the stress and struggle lifting from your life. Everything I’ve shared with you today is just a small part of the powerful and transformative journey you’ll take in my Conversations with God 7-Week Online Course. Over the 7 weeks of the course, I’ll guide you into looking at life in a brand new way—not with scorn or anger or resentment over all the things that aren’t working out—but with gratitude, because every aspect of your life is aligned with Divine Purpose and Abundance. You can find out all about the course when you visit the Course Information Page here. Now is the time to step out of suffering and into new possibilities, to awaken to the truth about who you are and why you’re here. I look forward to helping you do that in any way I can. With love, Neale P.S. I also want to let you know that Evolving Wisdom has decided to offer you a special gift when you register early for my course. It’s The Ultimate “Living in the Now” Bonus Collection, and it includes three powerful 60-minute workshops with world-renowned spiritual teachers Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, and Panache Desai. This is such a wonderful complement to the Conversations with God course, as these three extraordinary teachers will help you to discover how to truly live in the moment, and free yourself (and your life) from emotional stress and turmoil. This bonus collection is only available when you register by Thursday, October 30th. Find out all the details about this special bonus here This email was sent by: Neale Donald Walsch - Evolving Wisdom 369-B Third Street, Suite 302 San Rafael, CA, 94901 This email was sent to: Cmills@rgsellers Unsubscribe | Update Profile (including email address) © 2014 Neale Donald Walsch - Evolving Wisdom - All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:52:24 +0000

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