Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be - TopicsExpress


Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away 1 Corinth 13:8-10. Can someone please tell me how you can read this and understand that Paul is saying prophesy no longer exists? When the next chapter says: Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy 1 corinth. 14:1 and the one before says: Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations,various kinds of tongues. All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are they? All are not workers of miracles, are they? All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they? But earnestly desire the greater gifts. 1 Corinth 12:27-31.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:22:19 +0000

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