Love on Facebook has certainly acquired a whole new denomination - TopicsExpress


Love on Facebook has certainly acquired a whole new denomination or then should I say definition what with a 41 year old based grandmother flying down to a nondescript Haryana village and getting bethroted (married) to man 16 years her junior........ Yes you did indeed hear it right, 41 year old Adriana Peral first befriended 25 year old Mukesh Ror through Facebook way back in February 2013, soon frantic notes were being exchanged and undying professions of eternal love were the flavour of the season and lo and behold the couple took their wedding vows, customary saat phere and settled down to a life of domestic bliss in Mukeshs village since November 2013............. Peral who originally hails from good old California is a grandmother in her daily life and nurtures fond hopes of being able to visit her homeland, mother, doting grandchildren, pets and et all in the very near future with the man of her dreams in tow........ With many a tear in my eye and a prayer on my lips, I used to frequent the local church beseeging the good lord for a loving and caring life partner after my brutal and traumatic previous experience with a monstrous US navy official that lasted just a few months Thankfully the good lord paid heed to my entreaties and answer the same in the form of Mukesh, a man who is dearer to me than life itself and one who has reaffirmed my faith in love, goodness of the human heart and humanity.......... Still adjusting to her changed life and circumstances in the idyllic village of Popra (70 odd kms away from Karnal town in the state of Haryana), Peral candidly admits that her first view of the village and Mukeshs humble abode did give rise to serious misgivings in her mind about her ability to adjust to and accept her new and changed circumstances on a permanent and long term basis.......... My guardian angel and epitome of patience Mukesh was indeed a great help, he held my hand and led me through the initial period with a smile on his lips and constant words of reassurance and encouragement on his tongue and lo and behold, I am learning to make perfectly round rotis and the stench of cow dung also does not really bother me now......... Trust the authorities and officialdom to create obstacles in the path of sublime love and true humanity, Mukesh has been denied a visa to visit his wifes homeland primarily on account of his humble economic circumstances and latent fear that he might indeed settle down in the US of A for good if he is allowed to set foot on its soil........... Parels visa expires on February 10 and she will have to take off for her homeland with my child in her womb, strange indeed are the ways of this world that takes perverse pleasure in keeping a father away from his soon to be born child on the flimsiest of pretexts, Mukesh laments......... Despite being a post graduate in mass communications from the prestigious Kurukshetra University and having been associated with a score of vernacular newspapers and other publications for the last three and a bit years, Mukesh did not meet the approval of the visa authorities within the US embassy who summarily rejected his visa application for a tourist visa with a cursory and disdainful glance at his visa file............ Hope however continues to linger eternally in the hearts of this lovey dovey couple and they express fond hopes of being reunited real soon in changed economic circumstances and somewhat more salubrious surroundings in a Haryana town or city as the case may be........... And thereby hangs a tale of love that transcends boundaries of nationality, religion, age and language, sacrifice and the ultimate triumph of the indomitable human spirit.........
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:39:54 +0000

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