Love this comment on Herald story Alan OBrien, Cumbernauld • - TopicsExpress


Love this comment on Herald story Alan OBrien, Cumbernauld • 3 hours ago I welcome the Orange Orders right to march.....on this occasion. However, only because it will be of great benefit to the cause of Independence. Difficult one for Project Fear to manage though. Imagine the conversation. Orange Order Grand Poo Baa (or whatever it is their heid high yins are called) - Good news my fellow British nationalists we are organising a march to highlight how opposed we are to Scottish Independence. Project Fear spokesman - Why thats a wonderful idea and we really appreciate your support, buuuut are you sure you guys have really thought this through? Orange Order Grand Poo Baa - How do you mean? Project Fear spoksman - Well, your not exactly the most positively perceived people in Scotland, are you? Orange Order Grand Poo Baa - Aye we are, everybody loves us Project Fear spokesman- Everybody? Orange Order Grand Poo Baa - Well apart fae the caffliks obviously....oh, and the non British nationalists.....oh and thae Queen hating traitors aka republicans.....the arty farty, liberal types, obviously......and the police....the normal Rangers fans that say we are a bit embarrassing.....the local businesses....but apart from them, everyone loves us. Project Fear Spokesman - but thats most of Scotland??? Orange Order Grand Poo Baa - OK ok I get it, but the troops love a wee day oot winding up, the cafflic, republican, Scottish nationalist luvvies so they dae, so live with it. Project Fear spokesman - Oh bugger, I quite liked being an MP as well, now I will need to take a pay cut and become an MSP and actually do some work for a living. Thanks for that Grand Poo Baa :-(
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:09:23 +0000

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