Love those God has placed in your life-Tomorrow will be one week - TopicsExpress


Love those God has placed in your life-Tomorrow will be one week since we lost Maggie... We know that she is with her Savior in Heaven, yet we find ourselves with one BIG hole in our hearts... Today we went to Worship our Lord at Church and were filled with MANY emotions and also LOTS of love! I played today and as I drummed and gave God my worship through the drums I looked out into the congregation through my tears and seen my beautiful wife sitting in our usual spot with out mom... I know that the only reason I was able to play through the tears and a broken heart was by Gods hands holding mine as I played. I seen our beautiful daughter who gave of her time today to come sit with us and with her gentle hand, held ours. Hayley you have NO idea what it meant to mom and me to see your face today and feel the love through your actions! We were also BLESSED to have our children and grandbabies with us for a few days. We are BLESSED to have three AMAZING sons, an AMAZING and big hearted daughter in-law who to us, is OUR daughter. Then add to that mix three beautiful boys who brought a smile to our face and warmth to our hearts through this week which found us-LOST... Tomorrow Ann Marie and I will go back to work with broken hearts and also a BIG hole in our home... I want to thank everyone who came to say goodbye to mom and be there for us and the WHOLE family! NEVER take for granted those in your life and LOVE them EVERY day, look past their faults and their mistakes, you will not have them forever. Please cherish the days God gives you with them and remember what is important as you begin your week. Take a minute if you chose to read this long post and give someone a call, or FB message, or simply thank God for them.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 01:37:49 +0000

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