Love your enemy. Thats what it says. You are supposed to love - TopicsExpress


Love your enemy. Thats what it says. You are supposed to love your enemy. Okay. Ill do it. See. Im loving that person right now. Love. Love. Love. Its me, God. Im loving my enemies. I am just an old fashion enemy lover. Showing love to that low down, dirty, snake in the grass, devil himself. Oops. That didnt sound loving. Maybe I better pray for him. Do I have to? Luke 6:27-28 ESV “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. I heard on the radio yesterday a man say that the Bible can be summed up in two sentences. 1. We are far worse than we ever imagined. 2. We are far more loved than we will ever know. Its a very profound statement. And if we are far worse than we can imagine, yet loved more than we will ever know, what else can our response be to our enemies. So I will pray for them and try not to act hateful. And I will fail and then be convicted and try again to love my enemies. But love is also tough. And there are times when you need to love them but let them go. We need to turn them over to God. Because God is in control. God is in charge. And God is perfect. And God will judge us all. Thats why Ive asked Jesus to take my place. I will struggle today to pray my enemies. But I will pray for them. And I will pray for my friends. Lord, today I pray for those who are my enemies. I pray that You will bless them and draw them close to You. I pray that my enemies will have a full understanding of how much they are loved. I pray for my friends and family. Help us today as we continue to process the grief that we are going through. Help us to see our need for a Savior. In whose name we pray. In Jesus Name.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:33:25 +0000

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