Lovely Lies 2 - Excerpt Makynzee I was in the bed when I - TopicsExpress


Lovely Lies 2 - Excerpt Makynzee I was in the bed when I woke up. Nyeem was sitting on the couch watching me. How long had I been out? He got up and came toward me. I jumped up from the bed and moved in the opposite direction. He opened the door and yelled that I was up before taking his spot back against the wall. I looked away from him after he put his hands in his pockets. He tried to talk to me, but I ignored him. I could tell it was pissing him off, but I didnt care. All I could focus on was Kalils voice. I stared at the wall and blocked Nyeem out as I recalled memories of conversations between Kalil and me. Nyeem, slamming his hand against the wall and yelling my name, finally brought me back to the present. I looked at him, but quickly looked away when I realized he was coming toward me. There was no use in trying to move away this time. He was furious. My unwillingness to cooperate with him and speak pushed him to his limits. He grabbed my face, holding my chin in his hand, and forced me to look up at him. I squeezed my eyes shut as I wished for a sinkhole to suck me into the floor. Open your eyes and look at me! I did as I was told. We stared at each other in silence as he searched my eyes for the emotions running through me. Fear was what hed surely find. Im trying to be nice to you. Im taking care of you, giving you a place to stay, food to eat. Everything you need is right here. He cant be serious. Did he forget Im only here because he threw me into the trunk of a car and brought me here? All you have to do is open your mouth and talk; instead, you sit here and disrespect me. I closed my eyes as though that would block out his yelling. As he continued to yell at me I saw Kalil. Not my Kalil, but the Kalil I saw the night Cam broke into our home. The Kalil I thought I never wanted to see again. I opened my eyes, stared at Nyeem, and said, You know Kalil. He was slow to respond, but he nodded his head up and down, giving me the answer to what he thought was a question. It wasnt. Of course he knows Kalil. I just needed to remind him. You know whats most important to him: his family and his money. Right now, youre violating every rule that could possibly apply to that. I should have been having dinner with his mom and his sister, the first time I would have met them. Instead, Im here with you, locked in a basement, chained to a stake in the floor like Im some kind of animal. Like Im your pet. Youve seen him pissed off. Youve probably even seen him completely lose it, so you know nothing good will come to you from this point forward. Hurt me, dont hurt me. Keep me or let me go. It doesnt even matter. Nothing you do or say will ever matter again. Enjoy these last moments of your life because you and I both know that when he finds you-and make no mistake, he wont stop until he does-you will cease to exist. That chick thats helping you, her unborn child, your friends, your family, anybody you care about in any form or fashion-even the tiniest memory of you-anything concerning you and your pathetic and worthless life will be no more.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:12:28 +0000

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