Loving Sai Ram WORK IS WORSHIP DUTY IS GOD. DONT PREACH PRACTICE. Bhagawan Srisatyasai Baba MY HUMBLE APEAL TO ALL SAI DEVOTEE OF THE ENTIRE GLOBE. Now a days it has been observed that some of our sai Devotee who are only concerned with Swsmis physical body instead of his omnipresence, omnipotent and omniscient are spreading the rumours about Swami Is appearing in light body, Swami is appearing soon in his same body and so on and creating the confusion to the devotee. I think this all are baseless things creating confusion.as Swami has never declared that he will reappear after few period back of his leaving his physical body. Swami is the supreme Brahma and he is everywhere though he may not be physically. He says I am with you, within you, above you, below you, around you and everywhere. This is the divine words of the supreme Brahma the supreme master of THE universe and not mater of joke. Every sai devotee have to deeply meditate in his every words and follow them as these every SAI Worods are the voice of The supreme God his every words and sentence ARE sufficent for a human to transform into divine if ONE follow them from the core of heart and practice it in daily life.Swami IS present in his words and deed and will be pleased to those who follow his teachings and practices in ddaily life but not to them who praises him or spreads baseless rumours and creating confusion in the mind of the devotee. Hence I appeal all my Sai brothers and sisters of the entire globe To follow His every divine guidelines from the core of heart as our breath and practice them into daily life and become his messanger as he has intrusted us by his divine words your life is my message and obtain his Divine grace to reach the goal of. Supreme human birth instead of giving rooms in mind for such baseless rumours IN SERVICE OF SAI. —
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 10:21:20 +0000

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