Luciana Bohne: UKRAINE: NOT LIBERATED BY RED ARMY, SAYS KIEV STATE AGENCY Anti-Soviet fanaticism in Kiev rewrites history. The State Committee on Radio and Television recommends that the word liberation not be used promiscuously. The word applies only to the liberation from the Soviet Union in 1991 by the will of the people (in fact, this is poppycock: in March 1991 the people voted by referendum to stay in the union; in Dec 1991, the PM of the Ukraine thwarted the will of the people, by signing a secret memorandum with Yeltsin and Byelorussia to break up the union) --not to the 1944 liberation of Ukraine by the Red Army. It reminds media executives that the hostilities were terminated by the combined efforts of forces, which included UPA, the Ukrainian Patriotic Army--collaborators of Hitler, which switched sides to the Americans in 1943-44, and stayed in service until 1953--but in reality throughout the Cold War, and clearly now, through support of Ukrainian exile groups, originally in 1946 protected by CIA and other intelligence services from persecution as war criminals in return for covert war sabotage, assassinations, and intelligence for regime change in the Soviet Union. These are our allies in Kiev. This is the maidan. This is history America-style: youre better dead than red. And thats perfectly in sintony with fascist ideology. Hitlers first target were communists and social democrats. Only when these official enemies were neutralized in one way or another, did the hatred-propaganda turn to the Jews as official, legal enemies. Same with Mussolini, who went after Jews only in 1938, with the infamous racial laws--eighteen years after holding power. Ive elaborated on and glossed the short article, which merely reports on Kievs media committee on the cautionary advice of using the word liberation in broadcast and print.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:59:18 +0000

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