Lucifer: Angel of Light - Father of Lies How art thou fallen - TopicsExpress


Lucifer: Angel of Light - Father of Lies How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14 Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Ezekiel 28:12-15 The far reaching prophecies in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-15 contain a clear revelation of Satans origin. Why then do most new bible versions omit the name of Lucifer from their texts? The answer might surprise you. Many theologians erroneously believe that these passages are strictly addressed to the kings of Babylon and Tyrus. Their theories, however, are not based upon sound doctrine but upon faulty theology, as an examination of the original Hebrew text will reveal. The prophet Ezekiel says of this evil being, “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God” (Ezek. 28:13). The king of Tyrus was never “in Eden the garden of God”. Ezekiel continues, “the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” (Ezek. 28:13). No human being was “created” after Adam and Eve. Humans were born, not “created,” after Adam and Eve. The prophet Isaiah says of this evil being, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer” (Isa. 14:12). The king of Babylon was never in “heaven”. Jesus Christ said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10:18). The apostle John said that “there was war in heaven.... And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Rev. 12:7,9). So we know by the scriptures that Isaiah 12 and Ezekiel 28 are not only speaking of natural human kings but of the evil spirit behind them, “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2). The book of Job says, “And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” (Job 1:7). The apostle Paul tells us that “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (II Cor. 11:14). The gospels of Luke and John says that “Satan entered” “into Judas” (Luke 22:3; John 13:27). The scriptures plainly reveal that the devil, Lucifer, is a real evil spirit being, and not a ‘thought’ or ‘force’ in mans mind. Some argue that the name “Lucifer” in the English KJV Bible was erroneously inserted into the text. However, English is not the only language to use the name “Lucifer”. Other ancient Bible translations, printed before the 1611 English Authorized Version (KJV), also use some form of “Lucifer”: “lucifere” (Czech); “Lucero” (Spanish); “Luceafar” (Romanian); et al. These profound prophecies seem clearly to go much beyond any earthly ruler and harmonize with the scriptural picture of Satans close relations with world governments (Dan. 10:13; Eph. 6:12; John 12:31). These passages picture Satans pre-fall splendor as well as his apostasy through pride and self-exaltation against God. A consuming passion of Satan is to be worshiped ( Matt. 4:9; Isa. 14:14; Rev. 13:4-15; I Cor. 10:20). In his fall Satan drew a vast number of lesser celestial creatures with him. As the deceiver of the whole world (Rev. 12:9), his primary method is that of deception -- about himself, his purpose, his activities, his coming defeat.... He snatches away the Word of God sown in the hearts of the unsaved (Matt. 13 :19), sows his counterfeit Christians among the sons of the kingdom (Matt. 13 :25, 38,39), blinds the minds of men to the Gospel (II Cor. 4:3-4), and induces them to accept his lie (II Thess. 2:9-10). Often he transforms himself into an angel of light by presenting his apostles of falsehood as messengers of truth (II Cor. 11: 13-15). -- PICTORIAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, ZONDERVAN 1971, under SATAN The Hebrew word, helel, which is translated Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12, entered English through Greek and German. In the Greek we have Helios, the sun god. In German, this became hellen, from which came the word helder, meaning, clear or shiny. But there is also a sense of blinding, that is, blinded by the light, in this; and thus helel entered English as hell, a covered place, a place of darkness as if blinded, a place far off from God. Helel, when split apart can read bright or clear god, or god of hell. The early Christian church clearly understood that Helel was a proper noun, and that Lucifer matched him not only in the meaning of the name, but also in character. So, what happened that the early Christians knew Lucifer as Satan, and that Satanists know Lucifer is Satan, but modem Christians say that there is no Lucifer and that the title of morning star, a title claimed by the Lord Jesus Christ to himself, is to be applied to Satan in Isaiah 14:12? What happened started at the time of the Reformation and the Enlightenment, when men began to question the veracity of the text of Scripture. New archaeological discoveries and information about Babylonian, Canaanite, Greek, and Mesopotamian religions were allowed to alter the meaning of the words of Scripture, a new hermeneutics as old as Genesis 3:1. The recent movement in Christian churches to place the morning star or day star in Isaiah 14:12 is not only ill founded on historical, spiritual, and exegetic grounds, but helps to set the stage for the spirit of antichrist to fulfil Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 when “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (See Theosophy: The Worship of Lucifer) ________________________________________ Below is an excerpt from New Age Bible Versions Praying to a New God: Lucifer, the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4) You better start praying to a new god. theyre saying the devils got a new job. its another second coming like it or not you better start praying to a new god. start praying, what are you afraid of theres a big world... theyve all come to see a star from the east. is he man or beast? decide feel like Im crucified, still Im not satisfied start praying to a new god praying on the freeway, airwaves the back door on the dance floor, start praying to a new god. This handful of lines from the huge hit recording hammers away at hearers in the 90s. They crow, ...the devils got a new job, as a new god, but students of the word of God recognize his timeworn attempt: They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods...And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters...They chose new gods; then was war in the gates. Deuteronomy 32:17,19; Judges 5:8 Pounding to penetrate this generation, Satanic lyrics have drifted from the metalica to the middling music market. This shift from the counter-culture to the common place has likewise occurred as the philosophies of the Occult Underground, as James Webb called it, have been transported by fellow travelers into the recent bible versions. Their star from the east is reverberating on the pages of all of the new bible versions; the repercussions thunder as we witness the falling away. The Doctrine of Satan: The Name Game How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms, that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? Isaiah 14:12-17 In Lucifers boastful cry, I will be like the most High, discontentment weighs on every word; the anointed cherub wanted an identity change. The new persona he wished to pursue included the response of worship from whomsoever would. This is seen in his appeal to Jesus Christ to fall down and worship me, recorded in Matthew 4:9. Unfortunately his ambition will be fulfilled, as seen in Revelation 13:4, and they worshiped the dragon. Revelation 12:9 identifies, the great dragon [as]...that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan. The public relations campaign required to transform the publics image of Satan, from his true evil character to one which would inspire worship, is monumental. It pivots upon the transformation of his identity. Historically, Isaiah 14 has been used as the singular biography of Lucifer, shedding unique light upon the mystery of iniquity. In verse twelve Lucifer is in heaven; in verse fifteen Satan is in hell. The intervening verses expose his pride in the five I wills, each a rung in his descent into hell. (I will, is also the official motto of the U.S. city sporting zip code 60606. In 1966, this same city hatched the NIV.) These passages must be the object of Satans rancor and consequently his opposition. They reveal his arrogance (verse 13 and 14), his responsibility for much of the worlds misery (verse 17) and his end (verse 15 and 16). He is indicted as soundly in Ezekiel 28, but is unnamed and designated the anointed cherub. His ambition is to be like the most High and these verses sweep away that illusion, presenting him transparently. To hold that he would not grapple with the word Lucifer until it was securely removed from such an unflattering context and replanted into a like-the-most-High context, is naivete. Fait accompli, the feat is accomplished in all new bible versions; the KJV remains uncorrupted. NIV How you have fallen from heaven O morning star, son of the dawn...but you are brought down to the grave. NASB How you have fallen from heaven O star of the morning, son of the will be thrust down to Sheol. ASV How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning...Yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol. KJV How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!...Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell. Isaiah 14:12,15 Twentieth century versions have removed the name Lucifer, thereby eliminating the only reference to him in the entire bible. The word Lucifer then falls to the realm of the poets and writers of mythology and ceases to be an identifiable character of biblical origin. He is thereby divorced from the truth concerning himself. In John 8:44 Jesus said, the a liar, and the father of it. He can now have whatever characteristics he desires. Morning Star Not In Hebrew The change in new versions does not spring from the original Hebrew language, but from the theology of the new version editors. The NIVs wording parallels exactly the view expressed by NIV committee member R. Laird Harris. He asserts that Isaiah 14 is not about Lucifer and his descent to hell, but about a king from Babylon and his interment in the grave. The NIVs version of Harris view is one link in a chain tied to New Age Luciferian H.P. Blavatsky, who like the new versions and new theologians, denies the fall of Lucifer. Blavatsky writes the script for the 20th century scribes saying: Now there are many passages in the Bible that prove on their face, exoterically, that this belief was at one time universal; and the two most convincing are Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Christian theologians are welcome to interpret the great War before Creation...if they so choose, but the absurdity of the idea is too apparent. An examination of the original Hebrew will dispel any illusion that morning star is an acceptable substitute for the word Lucifer. The Hebrew is helel, ben shachar, which is accurately translated, Lucifer, son of the morning. The NIV and NASB give an English translation as if the Hebrew said, shachar kokab, ben shachar or morning star, son of the morning (or dawn). Yet the word for star (kokab) appears nowhere in the text. Also morning appears only once, as the KJV shows, not twice as new versions indicate. The word kokab is translated as star dozens of other times by NIV translators; morning or dawn is likewise used hundreds of times. New version editors know boger kokab is morning star since it is used in Job 38:7. If God had intended to communicate morning star, he could have repeated it here. The word he chose, helel, appears nowhere else in the Old Testament, just as Lucifer appears nowhere else. Why Morning Star? The matching of Lucifer with the morning star rises not from the Hebrew bible but from classical mythology, a fount of bitter water not intended by God as our fountain of living waters (Jeremiah 17:13). Reference works concede that the switch is based on .. .classical mythology for the planet Venus. Just because Satan has convinced the heathen world to connect him with Venus, the morning star, is no basis for the repetition of that myth by Christian scholars. But II Timothy 4:3, 4 says the time for myths has come. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [muthos: from which we get the word myths] Who is the Morning Star? The ultimate blasphemy occurs when the morning star takes Lucifers place in Isaiah 14. Jesus Christ is the morning star and is identified as such in Revelation 22:16, 2:28 and II Peter 1:19. With this slight of hand switch, Satan not only slyly slips out of the picture but lives up to his name the accuser (Revelation 12:10) by attempting to make Jesus Christ the subject of the diatribe in Isaiah 14. The NASB compounds its role as malefactor by placing the reference, II Peter 1:19, next to Isaiah 14:12 to solidify the notion that the passage refers to Jesus Christ rather than Lucifer. In using this reference the NASB becomes the willing marionette, costumed in sheeps clothing, of ravenous wolves like New Age Rosicrucian leader R. Swineburn Clymer. His occult treatise concurs with the new versions perversions regarding the daystar. He concludes, In this one short sentence is stated most clearly one of the greatest occult truths. Lucifers Spar To Be The Morning Star With an eye to be the most High (Isaiah 14), Lucifer has tried to infer that he is the Morning Star. Spanning the gamut from the compendium on black magic, The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall, to the increasingly popular New International Version of the bible, the Morning Star is used as a synonym for Lucifer. Hall comments: The pentagram is used extensively in black signifies the fall of the Morning Star. Blavatsky echoes, [T]he the Morning Star. In the Theosophical Glossary, used as a major resource of dogma by the New Age we read: [T]he Christian savior is made to say of himself in Revelation XVI:22, [sic] I am the bright morning star or Lucifer. The Christians...without suspecting the real meaning... greeted the Morning Star, Venus, Lucifer. The Trinity... was in truth composed of the Sun (the Father)...Venus (the Holy Ghost) .... and Lucifer, as Christ, the bright and morning star. The Verbum (the Word) and Lucifer are one... One hundred years ago, Blavatskys Theosophical Society promoted Krishnamurti, a young Hindu, as the star from the east and the second coming of Christ. Today the prince of the power of the air propagandizes to a new generation through the radio air waves that a new a star from the east...another second coming. The sounds have reached the United Nations Plaza where Lucis Trust re-echoes the new version of the facts. Lucifer as here used means...the morning star and has no connection whatsoever with Satan... Prior to the falling away and apostasy of this current generation of scholars, there was a general consensus that Christ alone was the day star. The old Commentary: Critical and Explanatory of the Old Testament by Robert Jamieson foretold the current name game. Daystar: a title truly belonging to Christ and hereafter to be assumed by antichrist. Likewise timeworn (1913) The Pulpit Commentary: Isaiah by H.D.M. Spence states: [T]he title daystar is truly Christs but will be confiscated by the antichrist of whom Babylon is a type and mystical Babylon is a forerunner. And Satan will assume it, who is the spirit that energizes the heathen world power Babylon, that now energizes the apostate church and shall at last energize the secular antichrist...and his champion the false prophet. Stages Of Initiation The first step in Satans public relations campaign was to remove his name from the indictment in Isaiah 14, which is the only historical non-fictional documentation of his true nature. Evidently it was much easier to excise the one word Lucifer, than to retain it and replace the remaining verses of chapter 14 with the compliments he has currently deceived New Age leaders into penning. New Age and esoteric literature is replete with references to levels of initiation as a part of their theory of the evolution of consciousness. Overheard on one of my infrequent research visits to the local New Age bookstore was the comment by the owner to a customer selecting a book, I dont know if you are ready for that; youd better start with something that doesnt shock a beginner. Expectedly, there are a number of different levels of esoteric understanding among New Agers regarding the identity of Lucifer and Satan. The following five steps represent Satans progressive and gradual image-transforming campaign. STEP ONE The Denial of the Existence of Satan not a Person but a Force. Pike, Morals and Dogma The Devil is a metaphysical abstraction. There have never been any Devils or disobedient angels. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine According to the New Age doctrine...Satan is a mere collective thought form. Can:, Lucifer Connection IT]he devil [is] the flesh and its desires. Clymer, The Science of the Soul Devil: the mass of thoughts...that fight against the truth. Filmore, Metaphysical Bible Dictionary Agreeing with these esoterics are the editors of the New Greek New Testament from which all new versions are translated. Reflecting an age when the personality of Satan is freely called in question, both Westcott and Hort assert that the devil is not a person but a general power of evil. STEP TWO The Assertion that Lucifer and the Devil are Separate and Distinct Entities one Luciferian confesses: It must be recognized that he takes mighty precautions against being recognized as the Prince of Darkness. As a part of his identity crisis Satan has historically hidden behind the name and identity facades of the heathen pantheon. Among the list of thousands of names he has used are the Hindu Kali and Shiva, as well as the Greek Hermes and Roman Hermas, Heosphorus, Phosphorus and Pan. The apostle Paul peeks behind this pagan parade observing, [T]hat which is offered in sacrifice to idols...they sacrifice to devils I Corinthians 10:19-20. Ancient writings such as the Book of the Secrets of Enoch and the essays of Pythagoras made a distinction between Lucifer and Satan which migrated into the writings of New Age godmother H.P. Blavatsky. The current adoption of her belief that Lucifer has never been the name of the Devil has been noted by New Age observers. Why then is the world still confused about the Luciferic roots of the New Age. In part this comes about as a result of the New Agers absurd contention that though Lucifer is lord, he is not Satan. Satan is said to be a figment of the Christian imagination. Lucifer is not Satan. Lucifer is a good angel. Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age The Lucifer of the New Age is not the Lucifer of the bible. Lucifer is thus misidentified and given a positive image in the New Age...New Agers have divorced Satan and Lucifer. Many of them believe that Satan is a myth invented by the church in the Middle Ages. Carr, The Lucifer Connection The following definitions from two patently New Age dictionaries expose this movements blatant adoption of Step 2. Metaphysical Bible Dictionary: day-star (Lucifer)...The passage in Isaiah regarding the day-star or supposed to be Satan...this is a mistake; the text has no such inference...[I]n II Peter 1:19 day-star is symbolic of the Christ lights springing up in individual consciousness. The Dictionary of Angels: Lucifer (light giver) erroneously equated with the fallen angel [Satan] due to a misreading of Isaiah 14:12...The name Lucifer was applied by St. Jerome and other Church Fathers. Milton ...Vondel...Blake...and Meredith [helped create his wrong identity]. Actually the brightest angel, even the Child of Light. Step 2 has seized some seemingly traditional groups. Albert Pike issued the following instructions to the Masons. Yes, Lucifer is God...The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be...maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. Perhaps the most shocking aspect of Step 2, the alleged distinction between Lucifer and Satan, is its appearance in the majority of Christian reference books. We would expect as much from New Age sources, but pseudo-scholarship and what appears to be much copying from each other, has Christians parroting the New Age line. Lucifer has been removed from most bible dictionaries and commentaries. If he appears at all, the reference quickly assures the reader that Lucifer is not Satan. The accompanying samples will stun the reader, showing the theological effect of the removal of Lucifers name from new versions. They are evidence for Carrs claim that New Age ideas infiltrate the church and appear under a Christian impremature. They remind readers of Kurt Kochs warning in The Devils Alphabet: He operates through the latest scientific methods. angelfire/la2/prophet1/prayingtoanewgod.html
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:32:56 +0000

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