Lucius Sulla Have you ever been so thirsty you could drink the - TopicsExpress


Lucius Sulla Have you ever been so thirsty you could drink the sand? That is where many of us are. There are so many scandals, lies and outright disinformation circulating that people are simply desperate for truth – any truth – even if it is but a small piece. There is a risk to this that cannot be ignored. After a constant stream of lies and deception even the smallest taste of water can have a refreshing effect. This is a concept that the statist has understood for years. Have you ever wondered why they can continue to lie and deceive even though it is discovered that they are actively engaged in doing so? You see, the longer they restrain the truth the lesser a degree of truth is required to quench your thirst. Furthermore, the longer you starve or thirst the less sustenance you can endure. Think back to the stories of holocaust survivors newly released after years of captivity. Do you recall the images? They were horrific to look upon. I still recall the stories of the first prisoners rescued from the Nazi death camps and the attempts to feed the survivors. Many perished from the toxic shock to their bodies when whole foods were introduced into their systems. The Allies learned quickly that the introduction of food must be slow and deliberate. After this hard lesson newly rescued survivors were fed “soup” that was nearly the consistency of water with little else. This was all their systems could stand. The same principle holds true to those that should find themselves deprived of the truth. We must be vigilant as we seek answers. We must take care that we do not become “satisfied” with but a morsel of truth after a long season of starvation. Let there be no misunderstanding on this – we have been intentionally starved that we should greedily consume a scrap of truth and declare victory at our “discovery”. We are being force fed lies and poisoned on singular, rich morsels of truth. How many “whistleblowers” are starting to surface? Amazing phenomena don’t you think? Each new “discovery” of truth has the net effect of moving a particular segment of the population in a direction different than every other segment. As each segment devours its little slice of manna it turns a gloating eye back to the rest of society and declares that they alone now have to “secret piece” of the puzzle. It has become impossible to track every “smoking gun” that seems to have mysteriously popped up now. Care to take a stab as to who is still in power despite all of these revelations that just seem to materialize – seemingly from thin air? That is how you know that you have been played the fool. A true smoking gun is such that there can be none that should stand against it. Understand that this does not require that the current crops of whistleblowers are wrong. To the contrary, I suspect that there is a limited truth in all that they have exposed. This is the reason for the excitement over what they present. What they offer is a drop of water to the tip of our tongues. It is the biscuit where food is naught to be found. At the moment we receive it there is an instant understanding that it is real. Yet, there is still a great lack of sustenance in this momentary satisfaction. However, we lower our head and snarl at those that should dare to steal that one precious piece of truth. After all, just think of how long it took for us to “find” it. There is one critical point that must be remembered when considering the “whistleblower”. What may appear as whistleblower offered “proof” may in fact be a deployed “intentional whistleblower”. The intentional whistleblower is an individual or individuals that are allowed to obtain certain pieces of knowledge with the expectation that they will not be able to keep that information silent. They will never have all of the critical information. They will have only enough to manipulate the masses with a predetermined narrative. Question - have you ever thought about all of the psychological testing that goes into government employment? They are not simply looking to find potential office supply thieves. They build an intense psychological profile on every critical service employee that they have. If you have a predisposition to whistleblower tendencies you may very well find yourself in a self-fulfilling prophecy. There have been many intentional whistleblowers deployed domestically as of late. This is the single greatest source of disinformation that the government has. Understand that the intentional whistleblower does not understand that they were deployed. They are simply doing what they feel is right. Here is the key to discovering the intentional whistleblower – does the information they present have the feel of “potential victory” – without actually delivering a victory? Does a segment of the truth seeking population grab this newly discovered information and sudden go stubborn? Lastly, trust your gut instinct. If you are following a scandal for which your gut screams treason you must honor that instinct. If whistleblower information offers a truth that seems to satisfy a desire, yet fails to yield the results that are truly merited you will know that you have a deployed whistleblower. Lucius Sulla
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:06:24 +0000

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