Lucman ChaCha #LucmanChaCha #ARY - TopicsExpress


Lucman ChaCha #LucmanChaCha #ARY #MubasherLucmanMUNAFIQ @MubasherLucman misusing social media.!!! The discovery of the Internet is like the discovery of the proverbial wheel of these modern times. With the development of the Internet came social media, which has taken everyone across the globe by storm. Pakistan has also become addicted to this form of media, as it allows people to not only connect with other people but also brings the world at their feet. There is no doubt that Social Media is a great tool of communication, never seen before in history. If used properly social media has proved to be a force to be reckoned with and brought revolutions in the countries that haven’t seen change in decades. Social media opened new windows into the global village allowing people of countries with strict media laws to tell the world of the atrocities in their country and show the real picture, that the main media didn’t or couldn’t report. Now everyone has a chance to tell their story. Similarly, Pakistani media that has faced a lot of struggle under the dictators found this media emancipating. However, as usually happens in our country, we misused social media in the worst way possible. The main reason for this is that our morals are dying and we don’t value limits and courtesy. We have become to believe that the vicious and rude one is the better. This bad trait is masked by the label of being ambitious. We think it is our right to lash out at everyone without weighing what is being given out, whether the news or information is authentic. Ironically some media personnel in Pakistan, who are trained to work within certain boundaries, are the worst abusers of social media. They misuse their “star power” blatantly and spread anything on the social media including vicious gossip and abuse. Unfortunately, Pakistanis are gullible and accept everything without ever confirming whether the facts are correct or not. Social media is being used as a propagandist’s tool only to defame others without thinking twice. These media personnel should refrain from using the social media in a negative way for their personal vendettas and grievances. If Lucman was only spouting venom against a private person it was understandable that he had some issues there, but he is always criticizing the courts including the Honourable Supreme Court and its judges. The Supreme Court should come down heavy on such people and bar them from putting up derogatory data about other without verification. Such people should face penalty. One such bad fish in the Pakistani media is the loud and highly unreliable so-called journalist Mubasher Lucman, who not only uses the main media but also the social media to keep blowing his own trumpet and voicing his grievances against people who are successful in the field. He has being airing episodes against a single person and his business ventures without fear of the court. Interestingly, Mubasher Lucman also gets away with abusing the courts and judges, and no action is taken against him. Isn’t it strange that no one takes action against him? And because of this Lucman has spread his propaganda on to the social media, which reaches a larger audience. The courts must take action this defamation according to law. It is sad to see an aged person like Mubasher Lucman act like an immature person on social media. He has no limits and thinks since he has a show on TV and is adept to handle social media, he has the right to use it only to spread negativity and say what he likes about anyone. He should grow up and improve his personality and manners and then criticize others. If Mubasher Lucman sees himself as a media crusader and a Caesar among mortals in the media, then he should also remember that Caesar had many flaws and one of them was pride which was his undoing. We would sincerely request Mubasher Lucman to take heed and not allow the sycophants around him misguide him. Lucman should remember that the media is a fickle mistress – it pleases you tremendously but it can ruin you in one go.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:23:56 +0000

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