Lucy Potter and the Gem of Wonder Prologue Lucy Potter was a - TopicsExpress


Lucy Potter and the Gem of Wonder Prologue Lucy Potter was a bright, sensible and devoted young witch to the principles and laws of magic, and after meeting her cousin Harry for a great encounter in which they battled Voldemort and won a fortune, Lucy was now starting to look even greater into learning her crafte with skill and adeptness. And so, with permission from her mother Caroline, and with the newfound wealth she had won, she did the boldest of things and applied for entrance into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in England, to undertake her fourth year’s magic studies. The past few years had been quite an intense rush of magic and mayhem. First she had battled Lucifer Malfoy, who had ultimately dishonoured her, fought Voldemort and his death-eaters, and then uncovered the mystery of the missing hammer of the Chakolan sprites. All in all, a quite and very busy time for young miss Lucy. And then, Redaxxiel, and the time of her life in New York. But now a new challenge beckoned – Hogwarts – perhaps the most esteemed magic school in the world. She knew she would meet new friends, make new acquaintances, and have new challenges – but that was the exciting thing about being a witch. You never exactly knew just what would happen next. And so, faring Madalene, her best friend, and all her family fare well, she came about the aeroplane at Canberra airport, en route to Sydney, and then off to Heathrow in England. And then, Hogwarts, and a new beginning for Lucy Potter. Chapter One Lucas Malfoy sat in his chair, on the flight from Sydney to London, thinking over his latest meeting with his brother Lucifer. They were triplets, Lucas, Lucifer and Lucius, proud bastions of House Malfoy. Of course, Lucius had disgraced himself recently with the vanquishing of Voldemort, who had inevitably returned, and Lucifer was as bad as he had ever been. It seemed it had always been down to Lucas to be the redeeming member, somewhat, of the Malfoy clan. He resided, usually, in America, with his wife and children, but occasionally visited his other family members in the vain hope of passing onto them valuable lessons in morality and decency, seemingly forgotten by the family over recent generations. Too much black magic is all he ever thought on that subject. They were a few hours out of Sydney, enjoying a meal, when he noticed the young lady seated next to him with what could only be a magic book of spells. Hello, fair maiden. What, may I ask, are you reading? Oh, gosh. Hello. I am sorry I didnt introduce myself. Im Lucy. Lucy Potter. Mmm. Well. Small world. Lucifer mentioned you. Lucy looked at the stranger more carefully, and suddenly noticed he was the spitting image of Lucifer. Oh, God. You look exactly like the freak. Were triplets. Myself, Lucius, and Lucifer. I am Lucas Malfoy. Hopefully the redeeming member of the Malfoy clan. I forgive you, she said smiling. What is the book? Oh, one of Shelandraghs. Its on magic. Shelandragh May? You know her. Again, small world, he responded. She laughed a little. Its on Gems. The power of Gems. Im studying the Aquamarine. Thats my favourite. Lucas smiled. That was his favourite as well. Do you know her? he asked. Who? she responded. The elemental. Aquamarine. Who is Aquamarine? The elementals are one of the powers of this universe. And there are a number. A great number. They teach ascension. Whats ascension? she asked him innocently. A far better way of life as far as I am concerned, said Lucas, looking up at the inflight TV reporting on a religious terrorist groups recent activity. Lucy looked at the TV. Ive noticed that. Why cant we just get along, you know. Have love for each other. Have grace for each other. The Earthmother teaches such things, said Lucas. Whos she? asked Lucy. Someone who I would love to introduce to you one day, responded Lucas Malfoy, and gazed once more up at the TV set. * * * * * Yenwah has consistently been bugging me, Daniel. Isnt it about time you talked to her. Him, you mean, responded Wizard in training, Daniel Daly, from house Hufflepuff. HIM!!! Well, actually, an hermaphrodite if you want to know the truth. Yen is a craazy lady. I listen. She tells me about Aurora all day long, and that my Yahweh obsession has gone on far too long as far as civilized members of the Ascended ones are concerned. And you dont agree with them My spirit man from the realm of understanding ascended when I was 16, ok. I am well aware of advanced Ascension knowledge. Gabriel fills me in constantly. Reptillian servant, she commented. Perhaps. Perhaps Yahweh is a magnificent delusion the world is under. They are only muggles, she said. So was I, he responded. Yes. But the Golden Torc around your neck has awoken your truly magnificent abilities. You always had unbridalled power. You were just too conditioned by your upbringing to recognize your gifts. You need to express yourself and your heart. Not repress yourself. Yes Madonna, he said sarcastically. Huh? she asked him. Nothing, he replied. They sat their quietly, returning to their magic books. Daniel, when he had recently purchased a golden torc from an ancient magic store in the heart of Sydney, had put it on, and suddenly come alive to magical power. And then Yenwah had started speaking to him, and she hadnt shut up since. He was bugged. A faithful Karaite Noahide and then, suddenly, overloaded with a new faith, and endless emails from Lucas Malfoy on why he should first get to Hogwarts, and then visit him in America and come to Earthlove, were thousands were following Ascension. He was trying to avoid it, he was faithful to God, but a stronger spirit had become involved, and he knew he was losing the battle. Your a bright spark, said Yenwah suddenly. Very funny, responded Daniel. Hello Yenwah, said Lucy. Do you want me to manifest. Your old enough in the gifts now. If you must, responded Daniel. For the first time Yenwah apeared. And the long hair and feminine looks seemed to settle the issue. A MAN? she demanded. Uh, sorry, said Daniel. So you should be, she responded. Are you ready for a challenge? Both of you? Uh, sure, said Daniel. What is it? asked Lucy. Find the Gem of Wonder. Youll know what I mean if you do a bit of digging. Will do, said Daniel sarcastically, not looking up from his book. Seeya, PUNK, said Yenwah, and just as soon as she had come, she was gone. Now what was all that about? asked Lucy Potter to her fellow Hufflepuffite. Beats me, responded Mr Daly. * * * * * Magenta is the Architect of Magic, said Daniel, reading through a tome of the Earthmothers. What? asked Lucy. Magenta. The Architect of Magic. It flows from the power of Magenta. One of the 45 Architects of Creation. Oh, said Lucy. But after a moment she was curious. There are several forms of energy which run through the universe. I have been told by somebody that the Force exists in galaxies a long way from here, and that they govern their principles of life. It likely flows from one of the other Architects. The Architect probably influenced Mr Lucas in forming his saga, to retell old legends, probably. Fascinating, said Lucy. Real Jedis. Possibly, said Daniel. But the book also mentions the Gem of Wonder. It was created by Magenta. It was placed on earth a long time ago to govern the Faerie creatures of earth. It is the central orb of the power of Magic. But its lost, she said. It doesnt really need to be found. Its indestructible and is probably on some Illuminati shelf, as an object of curiousity. A trinket he looks at and, funnily enough, probably wonders upon. Any clues to where it might be? she asked him. Merlin owned it once, he responded. Morganna Le Fey claimed it from him, when she seduced him, and it was reclaimed by the Magicians of Avalon. Its probably hidden down with Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake. Very funny, said Lucy. But I have an idea. I know from Harry a few secrets about Merlin. He still lives. Harry has met him. He told me not to tell anyone, but I can share it with you. So, if we find Merlin, began Daniel. He might be able to give us clues about where the Gem is, she responded. Mmm, said Daniel. Where is Harry now? Lucy bit into an apple. New York. He is teaching at Redaxxiel, a school of magic. Then we go to New York, said Daniel. We go to New York, responded Lucy. noahidebooks.angelfire/
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 02:28:53 +0000

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