Luisa-Claudia Sovijärvi, I noticed that you were listed as a - TopicsExpress


Luisa-Claudia Sovijärvi, I noticed that you were listed as a maybe for this party. I appreciate you showing interest in something that has been meaningful and healing for me when it comes to overcoming some of my insecurities and fears when relating with other people. I hope for everyone to have an opportunity to experience this form of getting together. Im sorry to say, that Ive decided to say no to you coming over this time, since your presence would remind me too much of the pain around the years when I struggled to get heard within the social centre crowd, and its hard for me invite a person in to my home – which for me is a sacred and safe space – its hard to invite you in to my home, since you to my understanding were actively taking a stand for me not being heard, and let in to house meetings at the squat, to ask questions about why I was shut out. I remember once when I was waiting outside in the chilly wind to get heard about the reasons for why I was excluded. Something I never got a clear answer to – not even the opportunity to ask the question! I remember that some persons told me that you had spoken against having my concerns and questions heard. I wasnt let in to that meeting. Its years ago, and Im still feeling anxious whenever I see faces of people who participated in my exclusion (actively or passively). At this moment in time Im not comfortable inviting you over to my home – it would feel too vulnerable for me to have you in my personal, and for me, safe space. Heres an interaction between us, starting at around 1:54 youtube/watch?v=pxkR2c-dQGg& To this day, I still dont understand why you were against my participation at the social centre, and why it was (and perhaps still is) important for you that I wouldnt participate.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:00:14 +0000

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