Luke 1:59-63 Luke chapter one is all about the birth of John and - TopicsExpress


Luke 1:59-63 Luke chapter one is all about the birth of John and the conciving of Mary. I want you to read the whole of chapter one and you shall notice something spectacular there. Zachariah was a levite and priest his wife was also a levite yet they had no child. Yah pause right there, sure these people were servants of God who were barren. Its possible to be a pastor and have a barren financial life but the truth is you will not die like that. Zachariah was so used to His situation to an extend that he became part of the problem. When the angel of the Lord came to him and told him about the breakthrough to his own life he did not believe yet he believed God would accept the incense he was burning for others. When you become part of the problem you will believe for others and not for self. Because of the level of his unbelief he had to spend nine months dumb however this did not stop the word from happening. The same angel visited Mary and said the impossible things and Mary believed what the priest could not believe. Sometimes knowing too much stops us from believing things that would have changed our lives. My issue ladies and gentlemen is on the naming of the child, when the boy child was born everyone wanted to be part of the naming committe. People are good at giving advice on things they have no idea how they came to be what they are today. Notice verses 58-59. These people could not give her a child but wanted to name him. This is where we have lost it in life, allowing people to name our things and life according to what they think and not what God said. Remember this verse..... Genesis 2:19 KJV And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. My God the names Adam gave was the nane thereof. Do not allow people to change your destiny by giving you false names. Like kurudzi kwavo havaroorwe,havabati mari,vane munyama, those are not your names according to Jeremuah 1:5. If the mother had not intervined John would have been given the name Zachariah as evidenced by Luke 1:59. She said no he shall be called John and this suprised people for noone in their family or life had the same name. People want to give you names of others so as to transfer the character and assence of their genology to you. But you must refuse and name everything around you according to the revealed scriptures. For everything follows a name are you sure the problems and issues you are calling yours are relly yours or someone named them after you or personalised and attached them to your life. Jer 29:11 God has a plan for you. Do not allow people to give you their own plans. kunyangwe kusina John in your life zvakutonga ipapa apa. You have to stand your ground on what God told you and is saying about you. No more limitations confront them in prayer. PRAYER POINTS..... i refuse the naming done upon my life associated with bloodline,totem,evil altars in the name of Jesus. I am the knew John of my family i will do what noone did in my family in Jesus Christ name. I declare and decree the plans of God upon my life. Pst frank mupoperi
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 07:13:23 +0000

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