Luke 12:15-21 15; Then He said “Beware, Guard against every - TopicsExpress


Luke 12:15-21 15; Then He said “Beware, Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own”. 21; “Yes a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth and not have a rich relationship with God’. Greed is evil, it corrupts destiny, and a greedy person is not always there to enjoy all his greed got him. Be thou content with all you’ve got, ill gotten wealth doesn’t bring joy but sorrows, not all wealthy persons have inner peace and joy. Don’t hasten to be wealthy, hasten after God, pursue a sweet and healthy relationship with God and He in turn will give you genuine wealth that will lead to your inner peace and joy in life. Gehazi lost the anointing he would have gotten from Elisha due to greed while Elisha got a double portion of Elijah’s anointing because of his faithfulness. Some Nigerian Politicians and leaders steal and embezzle Nigeria money that their 4th generation cannot finish and hide them in foreign bank account leaving the masses in abject poverty, (this is grave wickedness, an average Nigerian cannot afford three square meals) When they die, the money will be untraceable; this is foolishness because at the end of the day, those money will be used in developing those foreign countries while their own country lack infractures, may God have mercy on them. On the other hand, children of rich parents after the death of their parents fight over properties because of greed and foolishness, instead of sharing the property accordingly in peace, money they don’t know how their parents labored to get it. Only a lazy and foolish child waits for parent’s property, labour to acquire yours wisely. Those who gather wealth and don’t know God , when they die, their children squander their money and become paupers and their names are soon forgotten. John D. Rockefeller loved and served God with his wealth and today his family is still shining in wealth in America, years after he had died. Don’t gather wealth and forget God like the rich fool in today’s passage, who was busy gathering without God. Wealth is good, but let it come from God and not in a crooked way. Remember what our Saviour: Jesus Christ said in today’s passage, “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth and not have a rich relationship with God.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:34:58 +0000

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