Luke 5:17 tells us that where the miracle healing of the paralyzed - TopicsExpress


Luke 5:17 tells us that where the miracle healing of the paralyzed man took place, “the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick.” It is tragic that the only person healed had to be let in through the roof; as far as we know, no one else was healed even though the house was full to overflowing of people, no doubt many of them sick. The religionists were there but Jesus did nothing for them - no cleansing or healing. Some churches are in that sorry state. People come to worship God as if He just sat on the throne listening to the prayers and songs with a benign smile on his face. Nothing is expected to happen except in some vague spiritual sense that the singing and praying will supposedly do the people some good. I hope it does, but where is the response from God? The routine goes on week in, week out; nothing happens and nothing is preached for things to happen. Jesus is an invited guest, kept at a polite and formal distance, in a spiritual dimension and not in the real world. A manifestation of his presence would be too likely to disrupt dignity and order. The paralyzed man’s four friends came to a gathering of listeners just like that and ripped the roof off. That is typical of New Testament Christian faith. It is dynamic – it takes the roof off! Give Jesus a chance today and you will walk home! God bless you.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:56:07 +0000

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