Luke 9:16 And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked - TopicsExpress


Luke 9:16 And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. THE BLESSING Jesus gave us the model of blessing that produced multiplication and acceleration along with miracle provision. There is a flow of the supernatural positivity that is provided when we bless anything or anyone. We should be actively looking and speaking blessing whenever possible. We should bless our spouses, our children, and our friends. As we do we are allowing God to water our seed with His favor and His abundance. Many are seeking material provision but they have a poverty mindset that chokes the door of Gods best into our lives. Generosity starts in the small and everyday things.With giving of ourselves and no wish for it to be given back. There is an older song that had the following lyric ...nothing from nothing leaves nothing. If we persist in selfish and stingy attitudes why are we surprised when there is nothing in our hand? Give and you shall be given ... Luke 6:38 is not only about financial blessing but a way of life. Jesus gave of His love, His time, and His provisions. He looked up to heaven to whom all blessings flow and God looked down providing more than enough in miracle food for the unexpected need at hand. This is the model of how God wants to bless us all but we have to give God something to work with. Examine your life and start sowing seeds of your time and your heart. Let it trickle down to other things and let it change you from poverty to abundance. Seek out those who need a blessing today and let God use you as He used Jesus to open doors that no man can shut. If there was ever a time that we need generous people who speak life instead of is today. May you experience heaven today as these people did many years ago. Remember Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow...Hebrews 13:8
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:11:41 +0000

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